Frequent exercising and eating well is a relative term used by many people on weight loss programs in singapore. However, most people do not have an idea of how much exercise they need to do to lose their target weight or how much they need to eat to keep their waistlines in check. Everyone is different, and people respond differently to exercise and diet. Therefore, you may consider following an exercise routine that works for your body type rather than following what someone else is doing.

Exercise takes more of a U-shaped association where too much workout or too little of it would be harmful to your body. Too much exercise leads to a release of two stress-related hormones: cortisol and CRH. It also leaves you with a high risk of injury. High levels of CRH increases the permeability of lungs, skin, and intestinal walls while cortisol hormone reduces gut mobility, accelerates ageing, reduces production of mucus, and lowers the immune function. Too little exercise, on the other hand, increases chances of getting heart disease, obesity, or diabetes. Therefore, it is essential to maintain healthy exercise levels without going to the extremes.

There is no standard answer to how much exercise that one should do to lose weight since the body responds differently to workouts. However, most trainers recommend 150-300 minutes of exercise a week depending on some factors, which include:

The Type of Exercise

Cardio exercises are essential if you intend to lose weight faster, but you should combine that with strength training if you want to reap maximum benefits from your workouts. Strength training builds muscles and reduces fat in the body. A higher muscle mass increases the metabolism rate, burning more calories even when you are resting. Cardio exercises vary from moderate to high activity workouts with the latter burning more calories in the body. Therefore, you will take longer to lose 10 pounds if you only engage in moderate exercise than you would with the intense workouts. Moderate workouts include brisk walking, yoga, or cycling while the vigorous exercise includes activities such as running, rapid rowing, or fast teams sports such as soccer


You will need to work out more if you live a sedentary lifestyle to reduce the risk of catching lifestyle-related diseases. For example, a teacher who spends most of her time standing in a classroom tends to burn more calories than an office manager seated in the office throughout the day. Remember that working out should not take more than one hour, so you may consider squeezing a few minutes of your day to keep fit and burn a few calories.

Current Weight

Overweight people burn calories faster than people with a standard weight since their bodies require more energy to function. Therefore, you can start your weight loss program by doing cardio exercise for a few minutes followed by toning workouts to burn fat and build muscles. You can then increase the amount of time that you spend as you continue to lose more weight


A healthy calorie moderated diet paired with a good exercise routine is the common recipe for a successful weight loss. You should always calculate your daily calorie intake and aim at burning all of that in your workouts. Remember that the body requires energy to perform optimally so you should create a balance between the calories consumed and the ones burnt during exercise.


Weight loss is a journey that begins the moment you develop the right attitude and the will to burn more calories. It is not a one-month activity, but it takes time and patience. Therefore, if you intend to start a weight loss program, then you must be willing to take time, learn what works for your body and be ready to use it to your advantage. Remember over exercising will do more harm than good to your body, so you should do it in moderation.

Water has always been a staple of regulating metabolic rates and to lose weight. In fact, many weight loss treatments would often include drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water per day in their tips or teachings. Eight to ten glasses of water per day can be equal to at least two liters of fluid. Drinking sufficient amounts of water in a day ensures proper a regulation of your metabolism and aids in better blood circulation.

Most people, not only those who are aiming to lose weight, would include a slice of lemon to their drinking water. Some even put a slice in a glass of warm water to help toxins get flushed out of the body. In recent studies, lemon water is seen to have various health benefits, including proper digestion, speeding up metabolism, cleansing the colon, and alkalising the stomach to prevent over acidity.

The real question is: how does lemon water speed up our metabolism?

The answer for that is through proper digestion of food into the body.

It is no longer new information that water boosts metabolism. Normal water already improves metabolism and the addition of lemon significantly increases our metabolic rate about thirty percent as per a study published in 2003 through the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. In that particular study, the metabolic rate remained increased for about ten to forty minutes. Aside from that, water is also said to help in burning an additional 96 calories per day.

Better metabolism leads to weight loss.

The added taste of lemon to the water helps in improving satiety and hydration. Because of these reasons, it can eventually lead to potential weight loss. Just like regular water, lemon infused water helps in making you feel fuller. You can try drinking a warm cup of lemon water in the morning in an empty stomach to further boost your metabolism and cleanse your digestive system of the toxins accumulated from the night before.

Your body feels more nourished and energised.

Lemons are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. It is a fruit packed with many nutritious components, enough for your daily vitamin C requirement. It helps in balancing your electrolyte levels making you feel more energized and hydrated for longer periods of the day.

In conclusion, water alone can indeed boost metabolism but an additional slice of lemon to this important drink would not hurt you. So, start adding a slice of lemon to your drinking water for those added benefits that you can enjoy. Lemon water helps in making you feel satiated thus it leads to weight loss by tricking your body that it is more satisfied. It is also a great way to keep you hydrated if you are opting for a drink that is tasty and refreshing at the same time. Rather than choosing a beverage that is high in calories and sugar content, opt for lemon water—it is tasty and also contains way fewer calories than soda or commercial juices!

Losing weight need not be excessively complicated and expensive. Simple and small changes in your everyday life can definitely make a big difference towards a healthier body and life. However, in order to successfully shed some pounds, you need to have dedication and determination to achieve your goal. Losing weight is not all about expensive workout routines and diets, it is about your drive to succeed and reach your goal.

We have come up with a series of ten simple weight loss tips.

Check them out below.

Start walking.

The cheapest way to get your heart pumping? Walking! Why not use the stairs to go up one or two floors? Walking is the cheapest way to kick-start your metabolism. A simple five to ten minute walk will be extremely helpful to our bodies. It does not only start your metabolism, but it also increases your energy levels, keeping you alert and focused throughout the day.

Stay away from instant dieting.

Losing weight is not something that happens immediately. It is a process. A healthy weight loss program in Singapore will see you losing only one to two pounds per week. There are a lot of fad diets out there that promise a lot but deliver little, so be extra careful and check about them before getting yourself involved.

Love your water bottle.

Always keep a bottle of water with you. Water is responsible for keeping your metabolism high and getting your digestive system to break down foods properly. Water is also known to make you feel fuller and your appetite at bay.

Savor your food.

It is already proven that eating slowly makes you more satiated and allows your stomach to adjust to the amount of food you are eating. This allows your brain to properly register how much more food you should be eating.


There has been a handful of studies that explains how a lack of sleep can lead to overeating. When your body lacks energy due an inadequate amount of sleep, it resorts to eating more than what the body can take to compensate for the lack of energy. A lack of sleep also slows you’re your metabolic rates.

Limit high-calorie, high-sugar drinks.

Considered to be major culprits in making you feel bloated, drinks with high sugar and high-calorie contents. These drinks are sodas, processed fruit juices, and instant milk teas. They inflame your organs, especially your stomach, which makes you feel bloated.

Take your food with you.

One simple way to stay away from getting your hands on unhealthy snacks and meal choices is to bring your homemade meals with you when you go out. Bringing your lunch or snacks to school or work can make a lot of difference. The key to successfully doing this is to prepare ahead of time by using fresh and natural ingredients and then store them inside the refrigerator for future consumption.

If you have ever attempted to cut down your weight, then you must have heard a lot about healthy eating and sticking to a particular diet. There is always confusion about what to eat and what to avoid, leaving you unsure about the ideal healthy weight loss procedure. However, you should know that a slimming treatment that was successful for one person might give different results for someone else. Therefore, it is important to try different diet guidelines or exercise routines to find what works best for you. This guide below outlines some of the diet tips you should follow for a successful weight loss.

Do Not Get Too Hungry

You will always regret poor diet choices made when you are hungry. Most decisions involve binging on a high-calorie snack or any other sweetened food that will make you satisfied quickly. You can plan to snack in between meals to avoid incidences of extreme hunger. The small snack that you take should be a combination of high fiber food and protein that is not packed with calories.

Minimise your Carbs and Sugar Intake

Eating foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars will tend to increase your blood sugar levels. This means that the insulin hormone will have to burn off the blood sugars first before burning fat in order to keep the glucose level in check. You should not eliminate the consumption of the carbs and sugars since they are essential in maintaining a healthy metabolic rate. However, you can consider taking whole foods such as oats and whole bread that are rich in vitamins and fiber instead of taking processed ones such as pasta and rice.

Check Your Portions

Most people on weight loss treatment tend to obsess too much about portions and the number of calories they are consuming every day. However, you should only be conscious about how much food you take on a single serving to ensure you are not overeating. The body takes approximately 20 minutes for you to feel full, so you should not rush for a second helping in case you still feel hungry after eating. Your body also needs approximately 1600 calories every day.

Keep Check of your Eating Habits

Minimise distractions such as phones and TV during mealtimes and concentrate on what you are taking. People who attend to other things while eating always end up consuming larger portions than those who take their time and enjoy their meal. Avoid skipping meals since this tends to burn your muscles and fat in order to supply energy to the body. Avoid skipping meals and take your time to chew and swallow your food before taking another bite. There is also a tendency of reaching for another helping if food is within your reach, so you should consider keeping it away while eating.


Keeping check of your diet should be your number one priority if you intend to lose weight permanently and healthily. Some people tend to go for faster slimming treatment alternatives such as pills, extreme dieting or surgeries that can sometimes end up with drastic results. Weight loss is a journey that takes patience and sacrifice to achieve the body you have been dreaming about, and you are less likely to regain the weight by using healthy ways to lose those extra pounds. Therefore, adhering to a specific diet and exercise regime will eventually pay off in the end.

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