Ginger: How It Helps with Weight-Loss and How to Take It?

Ginger is a spice long been used as a prominent element in Indian and Asian cuisines. It’s also a key ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where it’s integrated with other herbs to treat various ailments, such as stomach issues, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, and chronic disorders.

What many are unaware of is that ginger also helps with weight loss. It contains compounds known as gingerols and shogaols, which stimulate bodily functions, as well as antioxidant and anti-properties that aid in the fight against free radicals and inflammation. It has also been proven to help with metabolism and digestion. According to research, ginger also makes you feel fuller for longer, so you won’t feel hungry for a few hours.

Here are five ways to incorporate the sublime benefits of ginger with your favourite weight-loss regimen.

1. Ginger Tea

Take a 2-centimetre slice of fresh ginger and 200 millilitres of water. Add 1 tablespoon of ground ginger for every 1 litre of water you add. Place everything in a saucepan and boil for 8 to 10 minutes. Wait for the concoction to cool down. Then, strain and drink.

Drink ginger tea 3 times a day. It is recommended that you drink it regularly and follow a low-fat and sugar-free diet for maximum results.

2. Ginger and Lemon Water

Add 5 grams of ground or grated ginger to a litre of water. Squeeze 4 lemons into the jar. Place it inside your fridge for at least 30 minutes. Drink the mixture as a replacement for water.

This combination can boost your metabolism.

3. Ginger and Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) alone works wonders when it comes to weight loss, so when combined with ginger, you can expect to enjoy double the benefits. The best way to consume this is to blend the two or prepare ginger tea and add ACV when it cools down. This combination will boost both ingredients’ antioxidant and anti-glycemic properties.

4. Ginger and Pineapple Juice

In a blender, add 1 slice of pineapple and 2 slices of ginger. Blend and serve the drink cold without sugar or milk. You can freeze the pineapple slice to enjoy a refreshing drink. You can also add mint or ice to make it tastier.

Pineapple and ginger aid in proper digestion. Pineapple has bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps in protein digestion.

5. Ginger and Green Tea

Add a slice of ginger while brewing your green tea. Both ingredients can boost metabolism, which aids in your weight loss effort. Drink this 2 to 3 times a day for best results.

Bottom Line

It’s important to remember that before beginning any weight-loss programme, you should consult with a physician to ensure its safety. This is particularly true if ginger is taken in large amounts, as it lowers blood viscosity and may exacerbate blood problems.

To receive the maximum benefits of ginger while avoiding any adverse side effects, you should follow a diet rich in whole foods, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight.

Slimming down is a very important part of living your best life. With Slim Couture, you can achieve your weight loss goals in a safe and effective manner. We adhere to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and offer you effective TCM slimming programs to help you healthily achieve your weight loss goals. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our premier weight loss treatments!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for over 3000 years. Originating from China, this medical practice aims to heal or prevent ailments by restoring the yin-yang balance in the body. Some of the common TCM practices include acupuncture, massages, cupping and more. Today, TCM has evolved to become an effective weight loss method, known as TCM slimming.

How effective is TCM Slimming?

TCM slimming is a natural and healthier weight loss technique. Research has found that TCM practices such as acupuncture, gua sha and suction may improve certain pain conditions as well as obesity and weight gain by increasing the body’s metabolism and getting rid of toxins. So, the question lies, what are the benefits of TCM slimming and why is it a healthier slimming alternative?

1. The use of natural materials

With the rise of technology and modern advertisement, it is no surprise that buying off-the-shelf products is the go-to solution for most people. While ready-made slimming products may be convenient to purchase, did you know that they could contain preservatives that may be damaging to the body?

On the other hand, TCM slimming adopts an all-natural approach to weight loss. From the techniques used to the herbal medication that may be issued (which is made from plants and herbs!), you can rest assured knowing that this is a healthier substitute that would allow you to lose weight safely. Specialised techniques are used to increase blood circulation, remove toxins from the body and promote an increased metabolism overall. What’s more, these naturally sourced herbs have been proven to be effective against various medical conditions, including heart diseases, mental disorders and respiratory problems

2. Say goodbye to crash dieting

For those who are looking to lose weight, you might be familiar with crash dieting. This popular low-calorie diet allows you to lose weight in a short period of time by eating only small portions.

Indeed, this diet can bring about effective immediate results. In fact, many brides-to-be go on this diet before their wedding days in order to look their best. However, with that being said, this diet is definitely not sustainable long-term. Crash dieting can take a toll on your health immensely as it could result in nutritional deficiencies.

Say goodbye to crash dieting with TCM slimming. With an all-natural approach to weight loss, TCM slimming aims to make weight loss a journey towards a healthy lifestyle, as opposed to making things worse.

3. Avoid intensive machines

Slimming vibration machines, are commonly used to reduce cellulite, tone muscles and contour one’s body. There is promising evidence that suggests that this is effective in building muscle and losing fat. However, repeated exposure to these machines has been found to be associated with several side effects. For instance, studies have discovered that the vibrations may lead to an increased risk of developing bodily pains, cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage and digestive problems.

With TCM slimming, you will be as cool as a cucumber during your treatment. Various TCM slimming treatments event have calming effects, not only for the body but also for the mind!


With that, if you are looking for a safe and sustainable way of losing those extra pounds, TCM slimming is the one for you. It is an excellent alternative for those looking to try out healthy and safe weight loss options.

For the best slimming centre in Singapore, Slim Couture has got your back. Our Divine Slim signature weight loss programme utilises TCM principles to improve one’s metabolism. We have helped thousands in their weight loss journey and we promise that you will be able to reach your desired goal.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today to learn more and keep fit with Slim Couture’s programme!

Do you frequently feel that you absolutely must have a slice of cake, a slab of chocolate, or some chips to munch on? Unfortunately, this can sometimes snowball, and you may end up binge eating. There is no denying that food cravings are a dieter’s downfall.

Satisfying cravings can become a habit, and it gradually becomes easy to grab mouth-watering, calorie-dense, and nutrient-poor foods without thinking about the consequences.

Don’t let food cravings sabotage your weight loss goals! These five strategies can help you with managing food cravings so you can stay on track in your weight loss journey.

1. Drink a tall glass of water

If you feel sudden food cravings, try drinking a glass of water instead. Sometimes, you may even feel your urge fade because you were just thirsty. The body often misinterprets signals from the brain, and thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger or food cravings.

Additionally, drinking an adequate amount of water helps you stay hydrated and lose weight. If plain water sounds boring, try infusing it with some slices of lemon, lime, or cucumber, among other refreshing alternatives.

2. Optimise your kitchen or pantry design

An effective way to manage a craving is to distance yourself from it. As we like to say, “out of sight, out of mind”. Re-equip your kitchen and keep healthy snacks around. You can’t give in to unhealthy food cravings if the food is not in your pantry in the first place!

Another tip is to refrain from stocking up on certain foods that may trigger your binge eating when you head grocery shopping. That way, the next time you crave them, you would have to put in extra effort to get them. This would encourage you to opt for your healthy options.

3. Brush your teeth

Part of having food cravings is the anticipation of the mouth-watering taste of food. Well, almost nothing tastes good after you’ve brushed your teeth or gargled with an antiseptic mouthwash! The cool mint flavour makes it hard to eat anything afterwards.

You can also opt for sugar-free candy, which uses artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. These have fewer to no calories and may be all you need to satisfy your sweet tooth — with less impact on your blood sugar levels.

4. Don’t skip your three balanced meals

Follow a consistent meal pattern daily, with an emphasis on protein. Protein keeps you full for longer, reduces cravings and keeps you from overeating. Eating a high-protein breakfast, in particular, can result in fewer cravings for sweet and savoury foods.

Plan your meals and nutritious snacks to eliminate that factor of uncertainty. Never skip your meals to prevent hunger pangs and low blood sugar, which can trigger cravings.

5. Practice mindful eating

The bottom line is willpower! This may sound intuitive, but you need to ask yourself if you are actually hungry. It’s important to distinguish whether your cravings are physical or psychological. While you may think food cravings come from the stomach, your brain is the more responsible party. One should never deny hunger pangs, but there’s a difference between that and mental or emotional cravings.

Mindful eating makes you more aware of your eating habits and sensations like physical hunger and food cravings. It motivates you to respond wisely instead of acting impulsively. Many people find it helpful to keep a food journal or planner, jotting down their cravings, how long they lasted and how they handled the situation— this makes acting on strategies more productive.


Part of living a healthy lifestyle is knowing how to listen to your body. If you are truly hungry, it’s crucial not to deprive yourself. But it’s equally vital to distinguish mental cravings and devise measures to deal with them effectively.

Looking for a healthy and effective way to lose fat? Slim Couture is the best slimming centre in Singapore that utilises natural Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques to help you lose unwanted weight in a fast, safe and healthy way. Moreover, there are no negative side effects associated with this slimming programme. Contact us now to get started on your weight loss journey.

Controlling portion sizes is one of the intuitive ways to maintain or lose weight. It is universally acknowledged that controlling your calorie intake and having small meals will result in weight loss. Still, this is often easier said than done. Research has shown that we cannot always rely on our own judgement to limit our meals. When people eat the occasional big meal, they might not see any immediate difference, making it easy to understate the effects and continue to overeat.

The misconceptions

When people hear the oft-discussed “portion size”, they usually imagine a physical amount of food. However, portion size actually refers more to the caloric intake of the food consumed as opposed to the physical quantity. This is why eating a big bowl of a vegetable salad may still be more portion-accurate than that unassuming slice of pizza.

Asking the right questions

To start your journey on eating mindfully, ask yourself these questions: what, when, where, why, and how much you eat.

We should also extend that to who— who is eating? The ideal calorie intake varies with factors such as age, height, body size, gender, genetics, hormonal imbalances, level of physical activity and more.

Based on the average Singaporean’s weight and physical activity, the recommended daily intake is 2200 calories for males and 1800 calories for females. With that wrapped up, we can now share with you these simple tips on how to cut back and control on your portion sizes.

1. Use smaller plates

The size of your dinnerware influences how much food you heap on it. Swap your plate and bowls with smaller alternatives to control yourself. Use your plate to portion a well-balanced meal: vegetables and salads should occupy half the plate, and high-quality protein and complex carbs should each take up the remaining quarters. Ideally, high-fat food and added sugar should not exceed a tablespoon each.

2. Measure accurately

It would also help to make the most of your measuring cups, tablespoons, and other meal prep containers to get accurate and reliable amounts of the foods you are consuming.

3. Don’t eat straight from the container

Dish out your servings separately in small bowls and plates. Refrain from eating directly from jumbo-sized packages or family meal-servings. This will only encourage overeating and second helpings.

4. Keep a food journal

Over time, you will be able to approximate food portions on your own. But tracking your meals is a great way to start out. The goal is not to obsess over every single calorie, but rather to monitor your goals and increase awareness of what and how much you are eating.

5. Don’t skip meals

Always eat your meals at regular times. When you delay or skip meals, you may overeat at some point during the day.

6. Practice mindful eating

This is where the 5 W’s and 1H questions come in. Do not just snack mindlessly. Instead, question yourself on why you are eating and whether you are really hungry.

Try not to help yourself to second servings rashly. Try to employ the 20-minute rule — it may take a while for you to feel full after a meal, so try and wait for 20 minutes before you reach for second helpings.

Lastly, take it slow. Eating quickly increases the likelihood of overeating. Take smaller bites and slowly savour every mouthful. Not only would this help with eliminating the possibilities of overeating, but you are also more likely to enjoy your meal more!

The bottom line

Portion control is not a type of diet but a lifestyle. It must be observed steadfastly to promise results. While eating mindfully does indeed improve your quality of life, the bottom line is that it maintains rather than actively reduces body fat after a certain point. For a more comprehensive weight loss journey, you would have to partake in more active measures, such as TCM slimming.

Slim Couture is the best slimming centre to help you in your weight loss journey. We dedicate ourselves to following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and providing successful slimming solutions and weight loss programs for you to live your best life starting today.

Contact us to learn more about TCM weight loss in Singapore today.

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