Volumetrics diet is a special new type of diet developed by dieticians and doctors as a solution for people who wish to lose weight quickly. Volumetrics diets are prepared by adding only the required amount of carbohydrates and fats. Volume of diet have increased tenfold by adding water and fibres which are of no caloric value. This way, the volume of diet is increased but its caloric value remains within the required limit. This large volume of diet helps to achieve stomach fullness and satisfaction without consuming extra calories. Finding a suitable slimming centre in Singapoe that caters to your weight loss concerns can also help you to develop an effective diet for fast results.

How Volumetrics diet functions?

The principle of Volumetrics diet is to provide the required amount of calories in your daily diet. The volume of diet should be increased by adding non-caloric dietary components. These additives are water and indigestible fibres. When one carries out their Volumetrics diet, satisfaction is achieved by fullness of stomach due to the extra bulk of food from fibres and water. The consumption of extra calories is avoided which leads to fast weight loss. Dieters preparing the Volumetrics diet should avoid adding oil and butter to their diet. According to dieticians, our healthy diet should contain 20-30 % calories from fats and 45-65 % calories from carbohydrates. Therefore, you have to be careful that your Volumetrics diet should contain the required amount of fats and carbohydrates. Volumetrics diet also includes high moisture diet, which contains a large amount of water and fibres.

Naturally available high moisture foods

Naturally available high moisture foods which contain large amounts of water and fibres include fresh fruits and vegetables with high water content like tomatoes, green leafy vegetables like lettuce and cabbage, or fresh salads with little or no dressing.

Will you lose weight fast with Volumetrics diet?

There are many studies to support that a diet low in calories and high in fibre content can achieve fast weight loss. In 2007 a study under American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers assigned 97 obese women a low-fat, high fibre diet. A year later, almost all the women lost more than 14 pounds of their weight. In this study, only low fat and high fibre diet were selected and large water content was not added, if you will add a large volume of water you will be able to lose weight even faster than this study.


Sudden increase of fibre content in diet can cause discomfort of the stomach and bloating in some people. If you experience such symptoms, gradually increase the amount of fibres in your diet. You can approach any Singapore slimming centre for an expert-guided advice in your weight loss diet so that it is suitable for you.

When you want to lose some weight, there are three important factors that you should pay attention to. Those three factors are nutrition, exercise, and rest. The key to losing weight is to create negative energy balance; which means that a number of calories intake should be less than the amount of calories expended. Therefore, you need to have adequate rest, control your meals, and regular exercise.

While you may exercise regularly and have adequate rest, eating nutritious meals is a factor that you might have forgotten about. Attempting to eat as little as possible to lose weight is not a good method, as you will likely be depriving your body of the nutrients that it needs. Eating smaller portions of nutritious meals will ensure that your body remains healthy while you control your diet. Smaller controlled portions will likely lower the amount of calories you consume, helping you on your journey to weight loss.

Calorie intake is the energy that is provided by the food that you take. While exercise will burn away calories, it only accounts for 20-30% of total amount of calories expended. Almost the entire remaining amount of calories that is acquired from eating food is used for the body to maintain various essential systems like the respiratory system, circulation system, etc. All of these systems require energy, and the amount of energy needed in different systems is termed as basal metabolic rate (BMR). Another component of expended calories that is often forgotten is the thermic effect of food, which accounts for around 10% of total expended calories.

Thermic effect of food is the amount of energy, which is required to digest and absorb the nutrients from the food. Therefore, along with reducing the amount of calories from food, you should apply the strategy of eating more often, but in small portions. A research study showed that this approach could reduce hunger and prevent overeating. That strategy can also be used to enhance body metabolism; there will only be a small amount of excess energy that is converted into fat due to the small portions eaten.

Hence, a nutrition strategy for weight loss is to start controlling the portion size of your meals. By eating enough food to satisfy your hunger, you can remain at peak energy throughout the day. The key takeaway is to avoid overeating, as that will cause you to consume too many unnecessary calories. If you still struggle with losing weight despite trying to maintain a healthy diet, it may be time to seek help. Going for a TCM weight loss program in Singapore can help you to lose weight while remaining healthy.


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High consumption of salt can lead to rapid weight gain. That is because the storing of extra fluids in the body is accelerated by the presence of sodium, and extra fluids in the body add to your body weight. Hence, if you are trying to lose weight, reducing your salt intake is something you can try out. There are other benefits to reducing salt consumption; for instance, it helps in controlling blood pressure for those that are suffering from high blood pressure.

According to the American Heart Association, the recommended level of salt intake for an average adult is 1 teaspoon per day. For those who are suffering from high blood pressure, this limit falls further down to around 1500mg, which is around ¾ of a teaspoon of salt. When you reduce your daily salt consumption, you may experience a rapid, but limited weight loss in the beginning. If you want a more moderate weight loss, you should try limiting salt on a regular basis.

How to reduce salt intake?

Salt is a common household ingredient that we usually cannot go without as it is naturally present in many foods, and is also an essential seasoning item that people use very regularly. So how can we reduce our salt intake?

As you will likely consume a larger amount of salt from processed and ready-made food, you can try cooking healthier food by yourself at home. That will not only limit your salt consumption but also help you to avoid the consumption of high calories, fat and oil that is associated with junk food. Cooking at home will not only help you lose weight but will also keep you healthy and help you save money! Still, if you can’t avoid eating outside of your home, you should still be cautious about the sodium level in the food.

Drinking plenty of water can also help you in limiting the sodium content in your body, thereby helping you lose weight. Water is often said to be the cure for many inherent and common diseases. Increasing your intake of water is easy, and can be easily done by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. There is no better way to do that than by cooking meals yourself, despite how tiresome and boring cooking can be.

In addition, you should be concerned about consuming processed food labelled ‘no-salt-added’ because they may contain an unhealthy amount of saturated fat and a high-calorie level.

If your taste buds are used to consuming food that is laden with a high amount of salt, you may have difficulties in limiting your salt consumption in the beginning. However, with a little time, you will soon be adjusted to having food that has a lower amount of salt in them. If you are really motivated to achieve your desired weight loss, you will definitely get through the war with your taste buds.

However, if you find that following a weight loss program in Singapore will be better for you, you should consider joining a program. With the help of a program, you will likely lose more weight if you follow the diet and exercise plans offered.

Considering your hectic workload and the planning that is required, you might be averse to the idea of planning your meals ahead. However, effective food planning can be an excellent way to achieve your weight loss goal.

Why is Food Planning Necessary?

Proper planning takes you halfway through success. When you take time to plan your food, you will enjoy plenty of benefits that would make you lose extra fat.

Make Wiser Choices: Since you have decided to prepare your food, you will be looking for healthy choices instead of foods that are of the “grab on the go” type. You will be able to take the time to carefully plan your meals and only select food that will help you achieve your goals. Once you get into the act of planning, you should start looking for information on the right types of foods for weight loss. Thus, you can make healthier choices that will take you one step closer to achieving your weight loss goals.

Wide Range Of Options: This is yet another advantage of planning your meal. You can get new ideas as you gather more information on the types of healthy diets available. All you need is some time to add various kinds of foods to the recipes that you know. You will have to go through the options available and plan for a variety of food to ensure that you have healthy meals planned for the forthcoming week.

Only Healthy Snacks: Planning your meal includes ensuring that you have enough healthy snacks for in between meals. With a proper plan, you can decide on the types of food you will be eating in the week. Thus, you will need to include some healthy snacks into your plan to reduce the temptation to eat any junk food.

Home Cooked Foods: Eating home cooked food may be the healthiest option. As you do your meal planning, you may realise that it will be much easier to cook your own meals at home as opposed to buying them outside. That may be due to how outside food will likely contain more sodium and other unhealthy ingredients that you do not intend to eat. By eating home cooked food, you can have absolute control over the portion size and the ingredients of the food.

Save Money: By planning your meals, you may end up saving money on groceries. As you plan your meals, the chances are that you would have come up with a list of things that you need to buy. That will make you less tempted to buy other items, as long as you practice self-control, thus helping you save money.

Since you plan your meals, you will not have to worry about what you should cook, as you would already have a concrete plan in mind. Planning your meal will help you to lose weight as you can maintain healthier eating habits. However, if you feel that you need more assistance to lose weight, consider going for a weight loss program in Singapore.

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