Yoga is a wonderful practice that improves your immunity, makes you strong and of course, it will help you to see signs of weight loss fat. It does not burn the fat but it tones your butt to make it tighter and shapely. However, the overall effect yoga has on your body works to not only reduce weight but encourages flexibility as well.

Here are the top 7 yoga poses to tone your butt.

1) Warrior Pose I

 It tones your butt, neck, shoulders, arms, hips and ankles.


  • Stand straight with a distance of 4 feet between your feet.
  • Let your leg foot take a 90-degree angle towards left and your right feet a 45-degree angle towards left.
  • With the legs in position, turn your upper body towards left.
  • Bend your left leg as you lower your body. Just lower it enough to have your knee in alignment with your left foot.
  • Bring your arms from the sides over your head and place your palms against each other without bending your elbows.
  • Stretch your neck by lifting your face backward. If you have severe neck pain, you may just look ahead.
  • Remain for 30 seconds in the pose.
  • Return to position and repeat the same with the other leg.

Precaution: People with high blood pressure and heart problems should refrain from practicing this pose.

2) Chair Pose

 Chair pose works to reduce excess fat overall and tones your butt. It enhances your immune power.


  • Stand erect.
  • Space out your feet to maintain hip-width.
  • Slowly inhale and lift your arms above your head and place your palms together.
  • While doing step 3, lower your body to the level as if you were about to be seated on a chair.
  • Remain for 30 seconds before returning to position.

Precaution: People with arthritis and chronic knee problems should not practice this pose.

3) Half Moon Pose

The Half Moon pose firms your buttocks, thighs, and waist. It tones your abdominal muscles and improves spine flexibility.


  • Stand straight with your feet together.
  • Raise your arms sideways and bring them over your head to let the palms contact each other.
  • Let your elbows be straight.
  • Now bend towards your left as much as possible.
  • Remain in the pose for 30 seconds before you bend towards your right.
  • After 30 seconds, return to the position.

4) Cobra Pose

The Cobra pose tones your butt, abdominal muscles and it is good for back pain.


  • Lie down on your stomach with your hands by your sides.
  • Place your palms by the sides of your chest and closer.
  • Pressing the palms down, lift your upper body. Let the waist be on the floor.
  • Straighten your elbows as much as possible by giving your back a perfect arch.
  • Remain for 30 seconds in the pose before returning to position.
  • Do it twice.

Precaution: People with carpal tunnel syndrome should not practice this pose.

5) Locust Pose

It tones your butt muscles and helps your liver, kidneys, and pancreas.


  • Lie down on your stomach with your hands by your sides.
  • Place your chin on the floor.
  • Inhale slowly and lift your legs. Do not bend your knees.
  • Return to the position after 20 seconds.
  • Do it twice.

Precaution: People with knee ailments and injury in ankle should avoid practicing locust pose.

6) Bow Pose

Good for butt, tummy, and cures intestinal disorders.


  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Bring your feet towards your waist by bending your legs.
  • Hold your ankles and pull them upwards.
  • Now, your thighs and chest are off the ground and only your abdomen stays in contact with the ground.
  • Be in the pose for 30 seconds
  • Do it twice.

Precaution: Do it under supervision if you have a severe back condition.

7) Wheel Pose

Not just your butt, the entire back muscles are toned. The pose strengthens your whole body and aids in maintaining youthfulness.


  • Lie down on your back.
  • Bring your feet closer to your buttock by bending your legs.
  • Space out your legs to maintain hip-width.
  • Raise your arms and bring them over your shoulders.
  • Place them beyond your shoulders on the floor. The fingers should be pointing towards your shoulders.
  • With the palms firmly pressed down, lift yourself off the floor.
  • Straighten your hands and legs.
  • Remain in the pose for 20 seconds.
  • Do it twice.

There can be no ifs and buts if you want to have a heal

If your weight has been weighing down on your mind, it is high time you considered rescheduling your life. The fast-paced world throws so many challenges at you and as you get busy to brave such challenges, you forget the very essence of life and that is healthy living. The quality of life matters the most and once you ensure quality, longevity will follow through. To ensure quality, you need to maintain perfect weight and should not gain even an inch more than is required around your waistline. With simple changes in lifestyle, you could lose extra weight. Here are 6 eating tips for weight loss.

1) Healthy Start – Have A Hearty Breakfast

 Having healthy breakfast not only helps you to carry the day, it also prevents you from reaching for unhealthy food later in the day. Setting out for work with an empty stomach is not the best way to go about if you aim to lose weight.

2) Size Matters – Small Plates; Smaller Portions

 Leave the over-sized plates for your guests. Reach for smaller plates, which will directly control your quantity of intake however tempting the taste may be. Your food might appear lesser in quantity when you eat from a large sized plate. You need to play it psychologically as well if you hope to achieve weight loss. Avoid eating directly from the food container, as you will not be able to assess the quantity of intake.

 3) Focus On Eating, When You Eat

 While you are on the table, pay attention to what you eat. Enjoy your food, focus on how it smells, tastes and feels. Avoid serious discussions while eating.

4) Chew Your Food, More The Better

 The hectic schedule, appointments for the day and meetings ahead might make you grab a quick meal. You tend to swallow it all up and head for the door. While the appointments or the meetings cannot wait, you could advance the time you wake up thereby arriving at the table to have a comfortable and relaxed breakfast. Chewing the food thoroughly helps with digestion and it also prevents you from asking for more.

5) Learn To Say ‘No’ When Your Tongue Still Wants

How much ever tempting it might be, it is best to say ‘no’ when your stomach is still half-full. Eating to fill your stomach completely is in itself over-eating. Do not wait for your brain to call the shots as it takes time for your brain to receive the warning signal. Practice moving away from the table when you are still ‘not full’.

6) Practice Stress-Free Eating

 Statistics show that eating pattern is terribly affected while a person is under stress. Initially, acute stress might result in loss of appetite for a short term but chronic stress results in increased appetite and this leads to stress-stimulated weight gain. Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, breathing exercises, meditation and so on to keep your mind stress-free. Eating should be a pleasure while it serves the purpose.

Obesity is becoming a serious health concern. Various medical conditions are associated with obesity. Hence, it is essential that you maintain weight appropriate for your age, gender, and medical condition. There are various ways to lose weight and you need to go for the one that addresses your needs. Practice the above-mentioned eating tips for weight loss to stay in good shape.

Combating the regular calorie intake is the key to achieving a rapid and regular weight loss. That’s exactly what a liquid diet does. Usually, a liquid diet consists of non-solid food such as fresh fruit juice, soups or milkshake. Liquid diets serve two main purposes; they clean your internal system by detoxifying and also supports rapid weight loss. Further, liquid diets are recommended for those who suffer from medical conditions that prevent them from eating solid food; especially after surgeries.

Experiments have found that in order to lose 1 pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories. Liquid diets help weight loss because they are very low in calories. Since the intake of calories and fat is minimal or zero, when you are totally on a liquid diet, it would show a rapid weight loss. Further, liquid diets consisting of fresh fruits and vegetable juice rich in vitamins and minerals which is essential for your body, and also with cancer-fighting nutrition.

There’s a common misunderstanding about liquid diets. Most people think that liquid diets consist only of water, milk, and soup. However, this is far from the truth. You can make liquid diets a very delightful, tasty option when you add some fresh fruit juices such as watermelon, pineapple, etc… If you fancy something more spicy and savory; you can also try chicken soup. Nonfat yogurt and sugar-free ice cream can also be a part of a liquid diet plan. Fat and sugar can help in increasing the calorie level in your body, which in turn will gain more weight. Therefore, the liquid diet to be effective for weight loss, you have to prevent from consuming fat and sugar. Further, note that smoothies are also a good option for liquid diets. Smoothies can be made of a wide variety of fruits, and there are many different receipts those you can try, so that your liquid diet may become more entertaining.

Risks of liquid diets

Liquid diets can help weight loss in the short run, however, it’s not a recommended method for weight loss due to several reasons:

  • As soon as you stop liquid diets and go back to normal diet, you will start gaining weight. So it’s only short term and not an effective means for weight loss.
  • Limiting to liquid diets can make you deficient of essential nutrition such as protein.

Due to these risks, a liquid diet should be undertaken upon medical supervision. There are several types of liquid diets which are medically supervised and produced commercially. Usually, these diets consist of liquid diets followed by meal replacement products, so that they ensure while supporting rapid weight loss, you maintain the required nutrition levels in your body.

If you had been thinking that mind control works to influence you in your studies, achieve success in life, improve your relationships and get out of addictions, you need to rethink. Mind control has a wonderful role to play in all aspects of your life right from your studies to how you age. Did I mention weight loss? Yes, you can lose weight by mind control techniques. Here you go.

Using Your Mind Control To Lose Weight

The powers of the mind are limitless. You would have noticed that an achiever, in any area of life, be it sports or politics, has a wonderful mind control. While everyone has the mind power, it is only those who use it achieve success. Using mind control techniques can make your life, your atmosphere, your relationship, your financial status and of course, your health better. It may seem simple and it is simple if you start practicing it. It may seem so simple that you would wonder if it would work. Well, doubt not, it works for everyone.

1) Don’t Hope, Believe That You Have Achieved

It is all good to hope but to make things happen, you need to believe. Not just believe that it would happen; you need to believe that it has happened. Well, you are looking to lose weight. Believe that you have lost weight and achieved your weight loss goal. It may initially seem a tough task considering the fact that your mirror keeps reminding you. For once, ignore the saying ‘Seeing is believing’; reverse it to say ‘Believing is seeing’. Yes, you believe that you are slim and healthy and you will see the results in your mirror.

2) Visualize Yourself In Your Dream Size

How will you look like once you have shed the excess fat? Visualize yourself in a dress that is a few sizes lesser than what you wear now and imagine yourself to be comfortable wearing it. In short, visualize yourself as wearing apparel that highlights your slim waistline. Not a vague visualization if you want to achieve success. Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes and watch yourself in the slim-sized dress. Start imagining yourself to be walking to your wardrobe, picking up the dress, wearing it comfortably, and going out of the room as your spouse gives you an admiring look. Let the imagination be detailed including the color, design and the size of the dress. Practice this technique at least twice a day, once in the morning immediately after you wake up and once at night before you go to sleep.

 3) Use Affirmations

 Your subconscious mind can do wonders for you if you know how to tap the resources within. When people talk about being positive, their suggestions sound vague, though the intentions are good. If someone tells you to stand in front of the mirror and repeat that you are slim so that your mind will make it happen, do you think it would? Definitely not, because as you keep telling you are slim, your mirror reflects the reality and hence your mind does not believe in what you say. Even, you yourself will not be able to say it with conviction. Hence, to make things happen, use affirmations. In affirmations, there is no need for you to make your mind to believe in your statement. All you need to do is to trigger it to find an answer to a question you pose. For example, you may ask, “Why I look slim and healthy?” Your subconscious mind starts looking for an answer to your question. Once you set your subconscious mind going this way, you will soon find your efforts matching its answers and the outcome is you minus the excess fat.

Patience Pays

There is no shortcut to success. To achieve your weight loss goal, you need to practice whatever you do with conviction. Just as you exercise your body to shed extra fat, exercise your mind to produce results. Once you use mind control to lose weight, you are sure to find the results amazing that you will start exercising mind control for every need in your life.

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