The extra flesh around your waistline might be posing a tough challenge. One of the major reasons behind the weight gain is the lifestyle. Other factors such as certain health conditions could contribute to obesity but statistics prove that lifestyle of a person plays a key role in weight gain. Hence, it is essential that you begin with a change in your lifestyle that involves your food habits, recreation and sleeping pattern. Here are 5 important habits for weight loss that you need to adhere to ensure that you give your body the perfect shape you have always been dreaming to acquire.

1) Make Exercise Your Habit

Never consider exercise as something that could be done when you have time to spare. Exercise has to be a part of your life and your routine. Identify the right type of exercise that would complement your diet plan and work towards weight loss.

2) Have Breakfast And On Time

Never skip your breakfast or postpone it. You get energy to carry the day only by what you have for breakfast in the morning. Not having your breakfast or postponing it will bring in various health concerns. Depriving yourself of nutrients your body craves for after a good night’s sleep, might result in your reaching for junk food at the first available opportunity during the day. You know for sure it makes you put on weight.

3) Have A “Meal Schedule”

Just like you have a work schedule, have a meal schedule, which is more important to work effectively. Eating at regular intervals and limiting the amount to suggested levels based on your age, health condition and lifestyle is essential to ensure that you don’t put on weight. When you follow a particular eating pattern and do not skip meals, the possibility of having snacks in between is greatly reduced. Too much of snacks will result in weight gain. When you starve for longer, you will be more inclined towards consuming junk food.

4) Brush After Your Dinner

Brushing your teeth after dinner helps you psychologically as it strengthens your mind to resist any tempting snack. By brushing after dinner, you say to yourself that you have had enough for the day. You are psychologically tuned to it that your cravings for snacks is very well limited after you brush your teeth.

5) Hit The Bed On Time

Depriving yourself of quality sleep will affect your health and might contribute to weight gain. Statistics based on various researches conducted so far have thrown light on the fact that keeping awake late into night results in weight gain in most of the people. When you are awake for long hours, you might feel hungry and might tend to shift some food container on the kitchen shelf next to you as you watch television or work on computer. Even if you don’t feel hungry, you might want to gulp down something to keep you awake or motivated to work. Thus sleep deprivation contributes to weight gain.

Losing weight is sure not easy, as you need to make sincere efforts to tone your body. Just remember that habits die hard and turn these habits to assist you in healthy weight loss.

It might come as a surprise to many to learn about the weight loss benefits of breathing techniques. You would have heard people suggesting breathing exercises to be relieved from stress. Hardly one hears about the role breathing exercises play in weight loss. Take a breather and settle down to read more.

How Does Breathing Technique Help In Weight Loss

It might indeed sound crazy to think about sitting and breathing to lose weight. However, you only need to know how it works to settle down in a quiet corner to start your breathing lessons.

  • When you deep breathe, your lungs are filled with fresh oxygen, which is supplied to your cells. Thus, oxidation improves which aid in the burning of your fat cells.
  • As you are well aware, thyroid gland regulates your metabolic rate. When you deep breathe, thyroid gland releases hormones that trigger your metabolism. This helps to lose weight.
  • When you deep breathe, you are energized to perform extended sessions working out your body. It is because of the increase in oxygen in blood and the slowing down of the rate at which your body exhales carbon dioxide.
  • Your abdomen is massaged and you burn fat faster in the midsection.
  • The oxygen you breathe in breaks fat molecules into carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide is picked up by the blood and sent to the lungs, which exhale it. Hence, if you deep breathe, you send in more oxygen and you burn more fat.
  • The role of stress in weight gain is well known. Breathing techniques relieves stress thereby aiding in reducing weight gained due to stress.

1) Bhastrika Pranayama

The term “Pranayama” refers to breathing techniques. Bhastrika improves your blood circulation. It makes your lungs stronger. It calms your mind and relieves you off stress.


  • Assume Lotus Pose Or Thunderbolt Pose.
  • Place your hands on your knees. Let the palms face upwards.
  • Inhale deeply through both the nostrils and focus your mind on breathing.
  • Exhale with force and with a hissing sound. While exhalation contract your stomach muscles.
  • Do it for around 3 to 5 minutes.

Precaution: People with high blood pressure and heart condition should avoid doing Bhastrika Pranayama.

2) Kapalabhati

Kapalabhati helps with weight loss. It clears toxins from your body.


  • Sit in Lotus Pose or Thunderbolt Pose.
  • Place your hands on your knees.
  • With your back straight, relax your stomach muscles.
  • Take a deep breathe.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles and forcefully exhale through both nostrils.
  • Inhale again without force and make a forceful exhalation.
  • You may practice it for around 5 to 10 minutes after you have mastered it. Beginners can do up to 10 times.

Precaution: Avoid practicing this breathing technique during menstruation. Those with high blood pressure and heart conditions need to avoid this practice.

3) Anulom Vilom

Anulom Vilom is effective for digestive problems and obesity. It addresses respiratory problems as well.


  • Sit in Lotus Pose or Thunderbolt Pose.
  • Keep your eyes closed.
  • Fold your index and middle fingers in your right hand.
  • With your right hand thumb, close your right nostril.
  • Now, inhale through the left nostril and hold the breath for sometime.
  • Remove your thumb and exhale through the right nostril.
  • Now, close the left nostril with the ring finger and breathe through the right nostril.
  • Repeat the same procedure.
  • Beginners can practice this for 5 times. Advance practitioner can extend it up to 15 minutes.

4) Brahmari Pranayama

Brahmari Pranayama regulates your blood circulation. It balances hormonal secretion and aids in weight loss. It cures respiratory problems as well.


  • Sit in Lotus Pose or Thunderbolt Pose.
  • Place your thumbs on the inner side of the external ear. Let the thumbs be on the prominence.
  • Place your index fingers on the inner corner of the eyes.
  • Let the middle fingers be on the sides of your nose.
  • Place your ring fingers above your lips.
  • Place your little fingers below your lips.
  • Inhale deeply through both the nostrils.
  • Exhale with a buzzing sound from your throat.
  • Repeat the practice for around 10 times.

Breathe Your Way To Weight Loss

Did you breathe a sigh of relief as your search for effective weight loss program has come to an end? Well, breathing techniques are wonderful practices and all you need to do is to practice them with all sincerity. You will soon be glowing, as the results will be showing.

Bloating is often attributed to pregnancy and the hormonal changes associated with it. However, it is as common in men as in women and can happen to anyone. If you regularly consume processed foods, you may end up damaging your metabolism to a point where seeking treatment from a gastroenterologist would be necessary. Even joining a weight loss program may not offset the damage, then. Eating quickly can also cause bloating and weight gain. Here are some reasons why you might feel bloated all the time.

Because you have a sedentary job

Working at the desk all day, without any physical activity, is bound to make you feel bloated. Lack of physical activity impedes the normal functioning of the GI tract. Not drinking enough water while working all day can also cause bloating. Sodas and caffeine can further drain your water reserves, so keep a water bottle handy. Take short breaks to stretch or take strolls and start a weight loss program.

You have Digestive Problems

Flatulence is a common problem, and experiencing it about 10 times a day is perfectly normal. Common reasons for flatulence include food choices that promote wind problems, including pulses, cabbage, broccoli, apples. These foods take time to digest and release sulfur gas. Bloating followed by little, hard stool could also mean constipation. Incorporate oats, seeds, cereals, vegetable skins and other laxatives to your diet. Doing light exercises is also recommended.

You Suffer from Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is both a genetic disease and a condition where the body’s lactase production is low. If you have a natural aversion for milk and other dairy products, you most likely have lactose intolerance. Symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and bloating. Try switching over to lactose-free dairy foods, but do not self-diagnose. See a certified GI practitioner to confirm if you have lactose intolerance.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is a common functional disorder of the gut, and could be one of the primary reasons you are bloated. Experts suggest that people with IBS have over-sensitive guts and hence it is susceptible to bloating. In those with IBS, bloating can increase towards the end of the day, and hence seriously disturb one’s social life. Avoid having oats, muesli, whole wheat bread, cereal bars and the like.

You could have Coeliac Disease

Cutting out gluten from your diet can not only help with your weight loss program, but avoid bloating. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley or foods they’re present in, including even some sauces and gravies. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder, where the peptides produced from gluten cause chronic inflammation. This damages the lining of the small intestine, and makes absorbing nutrients from food, difficult. This also causes anemia and osteoporosis. TCM techniques like acupuncture are beneficial in Coeliac disease.

Ovarian Cancer

Bloating isn’t just a problem; it’s an important symptom of other, much more serious problems. If it persists and is followed by abdominal pain, it could be ovarian cancer. Consult your GP while there is time. The symptoms are similar to IBS, and hence it often tends to get misdiagnosed.

Traditional weight loss advice often recommends having cheat days to people trying to lose weight. Some take it once every fortnight, where eating what you want and not working out to a reasonable extent is fine. However, skipping your weight loss regime on weekends can be dangerous. Studies have revealed that some people actually have a tendency to put on weight towards the end of the week. Here are some ways to avoid weekend weight-gain.

Stop compensating for sleep lost on weekdays

Often, you plan to compensate for the lost sleep by dozing off for longer than usual on weekends. This can seriously disrupt the body’s circadian rhythms, sending your hunger hormones into a tizzy. Sleeping late can not only cause cravings for calorie-laden food, but raise cortisol levels, adding to visceral fat.

To ensure that this does not happen, schedule your weekend visits to the slimming center in the morning. Do not have snacks or junk food for breakfast.

Don’t take complete workouts offs on weekends

Never treat exercise as punishment or compensation for a fatty diet. It should be enjoyable, creative, and something that you like to do on the weekends as well. Another idea is to reduce the intensity of your weekend workout, or take a break on Saturday for muscle recovery.

Remember your goals of weight loss and consult your physical trainer at the slimming center about different workouts to do throughout the week. One good idea is to opt for traditional Chinese treatment, which helps lose weight without strenuous exercise.

Keep your social outings food-free

For working people, weekends are for enjoyment and going out, but it need not make you put on weight. Plan social outings that are food and alcohol free, since even a few fried snacks and a can of beer can undo all the good work.
The best way to socialize is to go for activities like spa, movie outings, or cooking classes. Cut food out of weekend get-togethers and try to involve more of physical activity.

Avoid starving yourself on Friday

People that regularly binge on party food on the weekends, have a tendency to starve themselves on Fridays. However, doing this can be dangerous, as starving on Friday to avoid feeling guilty eating fatty food later can actually make one overeat. Eating less leads to hunger pangs, which makes you indulge in binge eating.
For this reason, one must construct a balanced diet plan for the entire week. Stock up on protein to feel full and regulate blood sugar.

Don’t be a couch potato

Lying all day on the bed or the couch is even worse than having a sedentary job. Research suggests that cutting down on sedentary time by just 20 minutes on the weekends can help lose 1.6% body fat annually. This proves that lack of physical activity on the weekends is directly related to weight gain.

A weekend getaway is a good way to unwind and get much-required physical activity. If not, you could simply take your dog for a stroll or visit your acupressure slimming center.

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