Unless you prefer listening to the sound of your own heavy breathing, most of us listen to music whilst working out. Research has found that doing physical activities accompanied by music can elevate your mood, increase your productivity and boost your athletic performance. If there is anything that you can do to make working out more enjoyable, it is certainly the right workout playlist!

Music is a great way to have fun while losing weight— whether it’s to give yourself the push you need to keep going or pumping yourself up, music can help ignite your motivation. Unfortunately, making a suitable workout playlist goes beyond just choosing all your favourite songs and compiling them into a playlist. If you are unsure what songs to include, check out this ultimate guide to creating your workout playlist!

Assess your pace

The rhythm of your movement as you work out should match the beats per minute of your song selection. If you are running or cycling, you may count your movements over a 60-second period. Even if you’re lifting weights or doing strength work that doesn’t involve much movement, your heart rate will still match the music you play, so it’s good to keep it upbeat and energetic. If you are a beginner, try counting the number of steps you can take in a minute and match that to the beat of any song.

Arrange your playlist

As you begin your workout, you are likely to gradually start in simple routines and move your way up to intense ones. Thus, it would be beneficial to make sure that your playlist is arranged accordingly. The songs you are listening to are a way of bringing the entire session together — from warming up to transitioning from different moves and cooling down, so it’s important that you focus on curating a playlist for your whole workout routine. If you’re doing movement routines, choose songs that are continuous so the silence between each song doesn’t affect your pace.

Create a backup playlist

It’s perfectly normal to feel extremely tired when working out. Instead of forcing yourself through your upbeat and high-intensity routines, try building a backup playlist with less intense songs so you do not feel like you are struggling to catch your breath.

Play with the beats

Something as simple as a beat could push your routine such as cycling or running to the next level. So, when you plan on stepping up your game, create a playlist with songs that are slightly faster than your natural pace — remember that just a few extra beats per minute already make a difference. With a faster music pace, you will be able to do more work and not notice or mind the increase in workload.

Slimming comes in many ways, such as TCM slimming

There’s no doubt that listening to your favourite songs can make working out more fun, but the right playlist can certainly boost your performance and make your session even more productive! Still, slimming isn’t all about just working out – it also comes in many ways, with the most common methods being adopting plant-based diets and portion control.

Besides the methods mentioned above, you could also try TCM slimming to achieve your goal in no time! TCM slimming is a healthy alternative to slimming methods such as crash dieting, pills, or excessive exercise. This all-natural technique has zero dangerous potential side effects and will be able to produce results that are long-lasting.


Here at Slim Couture, we use traditional Chinese medicine techniques to help you shed some extra pounds, speed up your metabolism, and obtain the slimmed-down body you’ve always dreamed of! Offering a money-back guarantee on the results of your weight loss, we promise that you will get what you pay for. Our dedicated team of experts are with you every step of the way and will even provide you with comprehensive diet plans as part of our post-treatment support.

Contact us today to get started on your weight loss journey with the best slimming centre in Singapore.

As everyone’s bodies are completely different, we all hold onto fat differently. Some carry excess weight proportionately, while others tend to carry them in specific areas such as the belly, thighs, and arms. The arms are one of the most common areas of concern for many people.

What causes arm fat?

Arm fat is one of the many side effects of growing older. As you grow older, your metabolism decreases and excess fat could get stored in your arms, especially if you are not following a physically active lifestyle.

Research has shown that excess arm fat can also arise from low testosterone levels. As women grow older, their testosterone levels begin to decrease, making it increasingly difficult to lose the stubborn arm fat.

So, the question lies, is there a sure-fire way to lose flabby arms? To help you out, we have compiled a list of some effective ways you can reduce arm fat.

Focusing on overall weight loss

Spot reduction is a type of targeted exercise intended to burn fat in specific areas of the body. While it has been popular in the health and fitness industry, most studies have found it to be ineffective. According to a study involving 104 adults who completed a 3 month training program, focusing the training on one arm resulted in decreased overall body fat, but had little effect on the specific area being exercised.

Hence, it would be best to not zero in on your arms, but to focus on a full-scale and all-inclusive weight loss program. Cardio is a great way to get your heart rate up to burn extra calories. Activities such as running, swimming and even dancing are excellent ways to have fun while losing weight!

Building strength in your arms

Instead of focusing on only reducing fat, you could switch your focus to building strength in your arms. Resistance training is a type of exercise that builds muscle mass and strength. Lifting weights, in particular, can tone your arms and make them look slimmer.

Some examples of exercises you could do are bicep curls, triceps kickbacks and overhead presses with barbells, dumbbells, and resistance bands. However, it is also possible to exercise without weights and equipment. Exercises such as arm circles, push-ups, inchworms, and planks can be easily integrated into your morning routine. They help build muscle strength, giving you toned and sculpted arms.

Eating clean and staying hydrated

Eating clean is one of the most effective ways to lose stubborn arm fat. Watching your diet can help to boost metabolism and promote good digestion. Easing up on refined carbohydrates, reducing sugar intake and incorporating more fibre and protein into your diet can support weight management and help you lose excess body fat.

Additionally, it would help to make a mental note to always stay hydrated! Research has shown that drinking plenty of water each day can increase one’s metabolism. Water is also a healthier alternative to high calorie drinks such as sodas.


There are many methods that can help with losing stubborn arm fat effectively.  Switching up your diet, regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are just some ways to regulate your body composition.

Another novel method that is gaining traction, especially for those struggling with the above methods, is TCM slimming. Here at Slim Couture, we incorporate traditional Chinese medicine methods into our slimming program to help you lose weight naturally. This therapy helps remove toxins from your body, stimulating your metabolism and allows you to maintain a fit body. To learn more, contact us at Slim Couture to get you started on your weight loss journey with the best slimming centre in Singapore.

Have you ever noticed someone with several red marks on their back from cupping? Perhaps you know someone who has tried acupuncture to ease their back pain or made herbal teas to treat colds. Nowadays, people are using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices to not just ease body pains and aches, but also to prevent them!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a type of natural and comprehensive medical system that has been in practice for over two thousand years. This method is designed to restore the body’s healing mechanisms and benefits the body both physically and psychologically.

Whether you’re a newbie or have already incorporated these practices into your lifestyle, check out 4 amazing health benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)!

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is often the root cause of a variety of diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer. Thus, it is of paramount importance that we do our best to reduce inflammation in our bodies.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices such as acupuncture and acupressure trigger nerve pathways in the body that can suppress swelling and inflammation. Chinese herbal treatments such as scutellaria baicalensis, or more commonly known as Chinese skullcap, have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that can combat diseases and boost one’s immunity.

Enhances flexibility and muscle strength

Most people usually engage in exercises to melt unwanted body fat or gain muscle. While exercise is indeed effective, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is another way to improve your flexibility and muscle strength.

A particular pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Tai Chi, is an effective way to enhance your balance and overall strength. The movements in Tai Chi are designed to cultivate your energy, or qi, to flow seamlessly throughout your body. It is said that a healthy balance of qi strengthens your immune system and allows your body to function at its best. Tai Chi is an effective aerobic workout to improve posture, balance, general mobility and build muscle strength.

Improves the quality of your sleep

It may come as a surprise to you, but Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help improve the overall quality of your sleep. An adult typically requires an average of eight hours of quality sleep every night. Sufficient sleep helps to improve blood circulation, boost cognitive strength, and reduce stress.

Chinese herbs and teas, such as the jujube seeds, are a natural way to treat sleep issues such as insomnia. They regulate the nervous system and calm the mind — reducing fatigue. Acupuncture treatments regulate the qi in the body, eliminating harmful pathogens and reinforcing health. Stimulating certain pressure points can help reduce anxiety, promote melatonin production, and minimise disruption in one’s sleep overall.

Boosts cognitive health

The benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) do not end with just improving your physical health, they can also help with your mental health! Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regulates hormones in the body, thus improving one’s mood. Researchers have discovered through an eight-week study involving 151 men and women, that depressive symptoms improved significantly for those who received acupuncture.

Chinese herbs such as the ginkgo biloba, are commonly used to treat age-related cognitive disorders as they have properties that improve one’s memory. Acupressure also appears to be useful in the treatment of mild cognitive impairment, which if left untreated, may lead to dementia.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of health and wellness that focuses on the balance and harmony of energy in the body. There are various TCM practices, and the list above are just some of the health benefits they can offer.

Incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into your weight loss routine can help your reach your goal in no time. Here at Slim Couture, we offer an all-natural TCM slimming treatment to help you slim down effectively. Our treatment aids in the removal of toxins from your body and boosts your metabolism, allowing you to lose weight safely. Feel free to contact us for more information or if you wish to start your weight loss journey for a healthier body!

The term ‘plant-based diet’ seems to be popular and can be heard everywhere these days, but what does it really mean? This diet involves ingesting mostly food that comes from plants, and while meat and dairy products are not necessarily avoided, a plant-based diet emphasises eating healthy plant food. It is often proclaimed as the healthiest approach to eating, with its extending way beyond weight loss.

Cutting down or completely removing meat from your diet can be challenging for most people, but it’s worth it! Plant-based diets are known to help people shed some weight, but aside from that, it also offers countless additional health benefits. Read to find out the 5 scientific benefits you can get from following a plant-based diet.

Helps you lose weight

Plant-based diets naturally aim to reduce your calorie intake, making them effective at promoting weight loss without focusing on cutting calories. When you swap a heavy-meat diet for a plant-based one, you’re decreasing your risk of obesity. One reason for this is that whole grains and vegetables are digested more slowly, and fruits contain antioxidants and fibre, which helps prolong your fullness.

Keep your heart healthy

Meat contains saturated fat, which can contribute to heart issues when eaten in excess. By cutting back on meat and ingesting up on plant-based diets, you’re doing your heart a favor! However, it’s not just about cutting down or limiting meat; you have to ensure that you’re consuming plant-based food that is healthy. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are better than refined grains and sugary drinks.

Lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a severe condition that can increase the risk for several health issues, including stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Luckily, this can be controlled by the food you eat, and several studies have shown that a plant-based diet reduces your blood pressure, reducing your risk for those conditions.

Decrease your risk of cancer

A plant-based diet provides many health benefits, and research suggests that it can even help prevent cancer! Studies show that the best way to ingest cancer-protective nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fibre, is by eating a diet rich in fruits, grains, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Consuming nutrients present in plant food are the best way to prevent cancer since it promotes a healthy weight.

Minimize your risk of stroke

Your risk of stroke increases due to several factors such as being overweight, having high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, smoking, drinking, having high cholesterol, or even using drugs. Most risk factors can be eliminated by following a plant-based diet and making healthy lifestyle choices. One best way to effectively reduce your risk is by increasing your fruit and vegetable intake.


People are catching on to the benefits of eating plant-based food and cutting back on meat! If you want to switch things up, going plant-based is becoming a popular diet these days. Plants have essential nutrients that you cannot acquire from other foods, and the list above contains some of the many benefits you can get by following this diet.

Aside from sticking to a plant-based diet, doing physical activities regularly can also make you healthy! Working out does not always have to feel challenging. There are plenty of fun exercises for weight loss that will allow you to enjoy yourself whilst getting your heart pumping.

On the other hand, you can also try our all-natural TCM slimming treatment to improve your results – a highly effective treatment from the best slimming centre, proven to help you shed extra pounds and achieve the slim body you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to begin your weight loss journey!

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