Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is often viewed by many people as an effective treatment for the mind, body, and spirit. However, not a lot of people know that TCM can also be used to lose weight. There are several TCM weight loss methods that have already helped people achieve their fitness goals.

To be clear, traditional Chinese medicine has a completely different way of seeing weight gain. Obesity or being overweight is not viewed as a problem in TCM but rather as a symptom for some underlying conditions a person might have. For TCM, the spleen-qi deficiency is one of the most common reasons behind weight gain.

What is the Spleen-Qi Deficiency?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, qi is the fundamental energy that circulates through the body at all times. Therefore, spleen-qi deficiency entails that a person has a low level of that energy. Having such deficiency essentially means that a person has a weak digestive system, which makes their body unbale to absorb food and transport it to the other body parts. This inability can then cause the person to feel constantly tired or hungry, which can ultimately result to weight gain.

Spleen-qi deficiency can be caused by different factors. But it is commonly attributed to genetics, which means that the condition might just run in the family. Aside from this, poor diet and bad eating habits may also be the reasons behind having spleen-qi deficiency. People who snack on unhealthy foods or who consume heavy meals at night are high risk of having spleen-qi deficiency, which is a precursor to weight gain.

How to Lose Weight Through Traditional Chinese Medicine?

As mentioned, traditional Chinese medicine has a different view when it comes to weight gain. Similarly, their weight loss methods are also distinct from the techniques you can typically get from modern weight loss programs. TCM slimming focuses more on the kinds of food people eat. According to TCM, the key to losing excess pounds is to eat healthily.

Here are some ways you can effectively lose weight according to TCM:

1. Avoid sweet and greasy food products because they can cause inflammation to your stomach.

2. Properly cook and prepare your meals because eating raw food can result to an imbalance in the body.

3. Stay away from cold foods and drinks because they can damage your digestive function.

4. Eat until you are no longer hungry, not until you are completely full.

5. Eat your heavy meal between 7 AM to 11 AM because your digestive system is at its strongest point during these times.

How Does Chinese Herbal Medicine Help in Losing Weight?

Traditional Chinese medicine also uses herbs for losing weight. Different Chinese herbal medicines are effective in helping people lose some extra pounds by suppressing their appetite, increasing their metabolism, and burning their calories. These raw herbs used to be boiled for consumption in the past.

Nowadays, however, it is already possible to find Chinese herbs in the form of capsules. People can intake these capsules according to their weight loss needs and requirements. The herbs used in this TCM weight loss method vary from person to person. For a safe and effective weight loss journey, the right herbs have to be chosen according to a person’s diagnosis, which may be based on their pulse, tongue, and other body organs.


Traditional Chinese medicine has proven to be effective not just in treating the mind and the body, but also in helping people get rid of the extra pounds they have been wanting to lose. If modern weight loss programs are just not working for you, then perhaps the TCM method is what you need!

At Slim Couture, we can help you lose weight and take care of your body through the incorporation of TCM techniques. We offer an all-natural TCM slimming treatment that can boost your metabolism, burn your calories, and enhance your overall health without any side effect.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has always been used by many people to heal the mind, the body, and the soul because of its numerous benefits. These benefits include the improvement of sleep quality, the increase of strength and flexibility, and the enhancement of cognitive health.

However, many people are unaware that TCM can also be used to facilitate weight loss. There are several methods encouraged by TCM experts that you can follow to help you get that slim body you have always wanted. If you are curious to know more, then read on. Given below are the top 5 TCM slimming methods you can try to lose those extra pounds from your body.

 1. Choose Warm Foods Over Cold Ones

 Eating cold foods can disrupt the process of your digestive system. Your stomach and spleen do not react quite well to the cold temperature, so consuming too much cold foods or drinks has the tendency of damaging your digestive function. When this happens, excess inflammation may occur inside your stomach.

When there is too much inflammation in the body, it will become easier to gain weight. Your weight loss process will become more tedious, difficult, and lengthy. So, if you want to get slimmer fast, avoid cold foods as much as possible. Add lots of warm spices, such as ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom, to your dishes to help boost your digestive function. Opting for room temperature or hot drinks is also more advisable than going for ice water or cold drinks.

2. Eat Less Frequently

 Munching on snacks may be a great way to pass time, especially when you are bored. However, doing so is a big no-no if you are trying to lose some extra pounds off your body. This is simply because the human body is not built to eat very often. Your body needs some time to utilize the excess energy it stores as body fat after your every meal. So, if you eat frequently, your body may not get the chance to make use of this stored energy source.

If you are supposed to eat a meal but your body is telling you that you are not hungry, then skip that meal. Listen to what your body is telling you. Do not eat out of habit and skip unnecessary meals whenever your body says so.

3. Strengthen Your Spleen, Liver, and Kidney

 Your spleen, liver, and kidney have substantial impact on your ability to lose weight. These organs are involved in the processes of governing inflammation, regulating fat-controlling hormones, and producing fat-burning hormones in your body. When they are functioning well, it is much easier for you to reduce and maintain your weight.

To strengthen your spleen, liver, and kidney, getting an acupuncture and consuming Chinese herbs is a great idea. These acupuncture and herbs are also quite helpful in suppressing your appetite and reducing your food cravings.

 4. Do Not Eat Too Late at Night

 The human digestive organs are said to be at their strongest condition during daytime. According to TCM, 7am to 11am is particularly the best time to have a meal because this is the period when your stomach or spleen are functioning at their peak. So, it is recommended that you eat your heaviest meals during this time of the day.

If you want to lose weight, avoid eating after 6pm. This is the least ideal time to have a meal because your body is said to already launch itself into repair mode beyond this hour. Consuming heavy meals late at night will only cause your body to retain more of the calories and energy you gather from your food as body fat.

5. Stay Away from Sweet and Greasy Food

Sugar causes inflammation. If you eat too much sweet or greasy food, there is a tendency for your body to produce excessive internal phlegm. This can then cause significant spikes in your blood sugar. Since your body should not be left in a state of high blood sugar, it immediately releases insulin to be either used or stored as body fat. In short, consuming too much sweet and greasy food will not help you achieve the slim body you have been wanting.

If you have a “sweet tooth” and you find it difficult not to consume sugar food, you can try healthier options, such as honey or fruits, to satisfy your sweet cravings. Consuming apple cider vinegar is also very recommended because vinegar is considered the “enemy of sugar” in Chinese medicine. It can help you get rid of your cravings for sugar food.


 There are plenty of simple methods you can try to achieve the slim body you have always wanted. Losing weight may be quite challenging, but it is not impossible. With the right mindset and habits, you can certainly lose those extra pounds in your body that constantly worries you.

If you are looking for a safe and healthy weight loss alternative, you can try our TCM slimming in Singapore. We have effective weight loss programs that incorporate traditional Chinese medicine methods to help you slim down and achieve your body goal in no time.

Are you trying to lose weight by exercising, but you just cannot seem to see some results? The problem might not lie in your workout routine but in your diet. Needless to say, your diet plays an essential role in your weight loss journey. If you are part of a Singapore weight loss program, you would certainly learn that the type of foods you eat greatly affects your overall weight.

For instance, eating too much greasy, sweet, or fatty foods will certainly not help you lose that extra pound no matter how much you exercise every day. To achieve your body goal, you need to have a balanced diet. According to studies, there are certain foods that are effective in helping individuals lose weight.

If you are interested in finally having a nutrient-filled diet to complement your workout routine, then keep reading! Here are some of the best foods you should consume to help you burn those extra fats.

1. Eggs

Eggs are considered a killer when it comes to weight loss. They are among the healthiest foods you should include in your diet because of their high-quality protein, healthy fats, and many essential vitamins and minerals. More so, eggs are also quite low in calories. A single large egg, for example, only contains around 78 calories.

Aside from being nutritious, eggs are also very filling. Because of their high protein content, eggs are effective in increasing fullness and reducing appetite. Having an egg meal in the morning will certainly minimize your food intake during later meals.

2. Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are also believed to be very helpful in losing weight. Cruciferous vegetables include brussels, sprouts, broccolis, cauliflowers, and cabbages. These vegetables are low in calories and rich in folate, vitamins, and fiber, which is a necessary component of a good weight loss diet.

By eating cruciferous vegetables regularly, you are not just increasing your ability to lose weight, but also you are also reducing your risk of developing cancer since these vegetables are good sources of phytonutrients.

3. Oatmeal

Starting the day with a bowl of oatmeal is another great way to lower the number on your scale. Oats are among the healthiest grains in the world. They are gluten-free and a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Aside from this, an oatmeal also slows down the emptying of your stomach and increases your feeling of fullness.

4. Berries

Berries, such as blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, are typically high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidant. Because of this, they are considered quite effective in reducing the symptoms of many chronic diseases. But aside from this, berries are also helpful in cutting the calories from your diet. Because they are rich in dietary fiber, a cup of mix berries on a daily basis can definitely help you achieve your weight goal.

5. Pulses

Pulses contain high amounts of protein and soluble fiber, which is known to slow down digestion and absorption. Because of this, pulses are excellent at curbing the appetite and effective in helping people lose some extra pounds. Just one serving of beans, peas, chickpeas, or lentils in a day is already enough to contribute to your moderate weight loss because these pulses can increase your feeling of fullness and reduce your bad cholesterol level.

6. Nuts

Nuts are a healthy alternative for chips and other high-calorie snacks. Aside from this, they can also help you in regulating your weight by supplying your body with protein, fiber, heart-healthy fats, and other beneficial nutrients.

Cashews, for example, is very effective in helping burn unhealthy fats because they contain high amounts of magnesium, which is essential for regulating the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. By moderately consuming these healthy nuts, you can lose weight effectively without having to sacrifice the need for some afternoon snacks.

7. Avocado

Avocados are considered a superfood because they are an excellent source of healthy fats, nutrients, protein, and fiber. Although they are high in fats and calories, studies have shown that avocados are a great aid in losing weight because the monounsaturated fats in them help speed up fat and calorie burning.

Apart from causing the body to burn more unhealthy fats and calories, avocados can also help you feel fuller and more satiated because the fat and fiber content in them slow the release of food from your stomach. By eating avocados regularly, you can have an overall healthier diet.


The foods mentioned above are some of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet to help you get rid of the extra pounds. Indeed, losing weight does not only require you to have a consistent workout routine but also to maintain a regular balanced diet. By consuming the foods included in this article, you can have higher chances of accomplishing your body goal in no time.

Alternatively, you can also try our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) slimming treatment if you want to achieve immediate weight loss results without resorting to diet supplements and radical diet changes. Our treatment is considered the best TCM slimming Singapore has for everyone who wants to slim down effectively and healthily.

If you are on the path to lose weight, you will come across a number of myths and claims that guarantee you weight loss in a short period of time. Of course, this is impossible. If you are in a Singapore weight loss program, you will know that losing some extra pounds is not a walk in the park.

To lose weight, you need to plan out a specific routine according to your body type and weight goal and effectively follow it. Although there is no foolproof way to drop those extra pounds, there are some evidence-based tips you can follow to help you reach your ultimate body goal more quickly. Read up to learn more about them!

1. Try cutting out on extra sugar

Sugar is the nemesis of a healthy diet. As proven by multiple studies, sugar is one of the worst ingredients that are typically found in people’s diets. This is not surprising considering how easy it is to consume excess sugar from day to day. Sodas, chocolates, cakes, biscuits, beer – all of these everyday foods and drinks contain a lot of sugar!

If you want to lose weight effectively, you need to cut out on your extra sugar. You can do this by switching to healthier sweet alternatives, such as honey and fruits. By consuming less sugar, you are not just increasing your chances of losing weight, but you are also reducing your risk to several diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

2. Add green tea to your diet

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on earth. It is filled with antioxidants and different plant compounds that are quite beneficial to the health. In fact, according to studies, drinking a cup of green tea can increase the number of antioxidants in your bloodstream. It can also increase your intake of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a substance that boosts metabolism.

By adding green tea to your diet, you can increase the amount of fats and calories you burn every day. Not only this, but you can also improve your brain function and lower your risk of cancer and heart disease by drinking green tea regularly.

3. Drink as much water as you can, even before meals

Water can do more for your body than just quench your thirst. It can even help you drop those extra pounds you have been wanting to lose. According to studies, regularly consuming water can speed up your metabolism by a rate of 24 to 30 percent. This is quite helpful, especially if you are burning off additional calories.

Aside from boosting your metabolism, drinking plenty of water can also naturally decrease your appetite. Having a glass or two of water right before your meal fills up your stomach, which prevents you from eating too much.

4. Intermittent Fasting

Most diet plans focus on what you eat, but intermittent fasting is all about when you eat. Intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss technique that has been proven to help many people lower the numbers on their scales. Intermittent fasting means you eat only during a specific time.

According to studies, fasting for a certain number of hours or eating only one meal a couple of days a week can help your body burn fat. It will also help you consume fewer calories, which may result in weight loss over time.

5. Consume black coffee

Aside from keeping you awake, black coffee can also help you lose weight if taken in moderation. With the number of antioxidants that are present in high-quality coffee, you can effectively boost up your metabolism by up to 11 percent by simply drinking a cup of black coffee every day.

Other than antioxidants, black coffee also consists of caffeine that is very effective in increasing your metabolic activity and boosting the energy level in your body. The more metabolic activities and higher energy level your body has, the better your chances are in suppressing hunger. While drinking black coffee, however, make sure you do not add any extra high-calorie ingredient like sugar so as not to cancel out the weight loss effect that the coffee brings.


There is indeed no surefire way to lose weight in an instant. Losing those extra pounds means taking the grind and being consistent in your diet plan. But even though weight loss takes some time, there are several things you can do to help your body successfully achieve its weight goal. The tips mentioned in this article are some of the most effective things you can do to speed up your weight loss journey.

Aside from them, you can also try out TCM slimming treatment to help you slim down effectively with the help of traditional Chinese medicine technique. Our treatment is known to be the best TCM slimming Singapore has for everyone who wishes to get rid of excess weight. By following the tips mentioned here and trying out our slimming program, you will certainly be able to drop those extra pounds you have been dying to lose.

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