When we think about losing weight, the first things that come to mind are cardio and strength training. Cardio burns fat by accelerating our heart rate and metabolism, while lifting weights builds muscle and helps us burn more calories. However, there’s another area of focus that doesn’t receive nearly enough attention: the core.

Many people overlook how important the core is when it comes to looking great and losing weight. That fast food meal or those bags of chips may be convenient sources of empty calories, but what you might not know is that they can also wreak havoc on your midsection. The muffin top everyone talks about (and dislikes) is caused by having a weak core, which results in excess fat spilling over your belt or your low-rise jeans.

In this post, we’ll take a look at some effective home workouts for strengthening your core and eliminating that muffin top.

What is a muffin top?

Simply put, a muffin top is a slang term for the bulging fat that accumulates around the waistline and spills over the top of your pants or belt.

A muffin top occurs when you have high abdominal fat combined with low muscle mass. This can be caused by a few things, one of them being a weak core. If your core is weak, you will have less control over your posture and abdominal muscles. The result is that you’re forced to hold in your fat, and it becomes forced to push against your belt where you can see it.

Core exercises for a flat belly

While we recommend that you include exercises like crunches or sit-ups in your routine, we also recommend focusing on exercises that target the core. Here are a few popular core exercises that will help you eliminate your muffin top while simultaneously building a strong core:

  • Plank

The plank is a staple core exercise that is incredibly effective at strengthening your core. It is also one of the most effective ways to eliminate a muffin top.

The core is made up of several muscles, including the obliques, internal and external abdominal muscles, and the lower back. The plank targets all these muscles while helping you improve posture and reduce back pain.

  • Bridge

The bridge is another core exercise that can help you avoid a muffin top. It is considered an advanced core exercise best suited for those comfortable with other core exercises. Bridges also help to improve posture and reduce back pain, making them an excellent choice for those who want to strengthen their core.

  • Hand Walk 

Hand walks are a more advanced variation of the plank. While planks work almost every abdominal muscle, hand walks are more specific and work your internal obliques, the muscles on the side of your midsection. These are the muscles you use to lift your arm towards your chest.

  • Lying Leg Raises

Lying leg raises are an extremely easy core exercise. They’re best suited for beginners and can be done anywhere. Lying leg raises target your abdominal muscles, especially the lower part of your abdominals. They also work your hip flexors and quads. You can do this exercise from a lying position on the floor, from a bed, on a bench, or even from a seated position in a chair.

  • Ab Wheel

The ab wheel is a great core exercise that can help you get rid of your muffin top by strengthening your rectus abdominis, the muscle that runs down the front of your abdomen. It also works your oblique muscles, which run on either side of your abdomen.

Ab wheels are great for beginners and people currently experiencing back pain. They are also a great way to start a workout routine, as they do not put any stress or strain on your body.

  • Swiss Ball Crunches

Swiss ball crunches are a very effective core exercise that is great for beginners. They also form the foundation for more advanced exercises and are great for building strength and stamina.

  • Plank Presses

Plank presses are a combination of two exercises — a plank and push-ups — that work together to give you an amazing physique. They’re best suited for veterans and can be done anywhere since they require no equipment.


Building a strong core is essential to achieving the body you want and deserve. It not only helps you look better but can also help you avoid injury by enabling you to perform other activities more efficiently.

Work with Slim Couture today to achieve your ideal body. We incorporate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices into our weight loss treatments and work with your body’s natural rhythms to help you achieve your desired goal. By targeting key areas of the body and addressing the root cause of weight gain, our program can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Reach out to us today to begin working with one of the best weight loss programs in Singapore!

Staying slim and trim is not everyone’s forte. Let’s face it, staying healthy is one of the hardest things to do in this world where food abounds. In fact, there are many people who find it difficult to lose weight as much as they find it hard to put on weight. Unhealthy eating habits coupled with a sedentary lifestyle can often lead to individuals gaining weight and attempting to shed those extra pounds.

If you are one among them, try these four food ingredients that are known to effectively promote weight loss. As with any dietary changes, please consult a doctor beforehand to ensure it is safe for you.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a herb that has traditionally been used in alternative medicine, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It’s frequently consumed as a supplement and is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine.

Fenugreek has been shown to help with metabolic diseases such as diabetes which could be attributed to its ability to improve insulin function. According to preliminary research, fenugreek may also help appetite control, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and provide anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Jiaogulan

Jiaogulan is a herb primarily found in the southern provinces of China and is a common ingredient in Chinese herbal medicine. Despite not being botanically related to ginseng, it has qualities that are quite similar to those of ginseng and share some of the same components, such as saponins. Due to these characteristics, it is utilised similarly to ginseng.

Studies have associated the antioxidant property of jiaogulan with supporting a healthy liver and assisting in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Additionally, it’s believed to support healthy gut flora.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a flowering plant grown mostly for its root, which is used in cooking and baking. Ginger also reduces inflammation, promotes digestion, and reduces appetite. Because of these qualities, some believe that ginger can aid in weight loss.

Gingerols and shogaols are naturally occurring substances found in ginger. When you consume ginger, these chemicals activate many biological activities in your body.

Obesity has been linked to oxidative stress and inflammation. Damage done to the body by free radicals leads to oxidative stress. Ginger’s antioxidant capabilities aid in the regulation of free radicals, while its anti-inflammatory characteristics serve to reduce inflammation.

Therefore, these ginger qualities may not directly help you lose weight. However, they do aid in preventing cardiovascular damage and other side effects of being overweight while you attempt to achieve a healthy weight.

4. Mung Bean

Mung bean is a type of legume that is commonly used in Chinese and Indian cuisines. These beans have a slightly sweet flavour and are available fresh, as sprouts, or dried. They are also packed with nutrients and are claimed to help with a variety of diseases.

Mung bean promotes weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate and suppressing your appetite due to its rich source of fibre and protein. Additionally, it aids in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is known to reduce sweet cravings.


Slimming down doesn’t happen overnight. But with the right approach, it’s possible to shed those extra pounds. Incorporate these four food ingredients into your diet. These will not only assist you in shedding weight, but they will also help to keep your body healthy.

When it comes to taking care of your body and shedding pounds using TCM weight loss methods, Slim Couture is the best slimming centre to go to. Our all-natural weight loss solution can increase metabolism, burn calories, and improve general health without causing any adverse side effects. To find out more about the wonders of our weight loss treatments, schedule a consultation with us right away!

In a society that places such a high emphasis on physical appearance, it’s no surprise that weight loss has become so important for so many people. Whether we want to look good for an upcoming event, impress someone or even just improve our own self-esteem, losing weight is something that so many of us are working towards.

However, this can be easier said than done. Whether you’re struggling with your current weight, have tried to lose weight in the past but have not had much success, or simply don’t have time to spend hours at the gym every day, there are plenty of different options available when it comes to weight loss treatments. Each has its pros and cons and ultimately will depend on your individual circumstances and personal preferences. So, which should you choose? Here is a breakdown of some of the most common options:

Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills are a type of diet pill designed to help you to lose weight quickly by reducing your appetite and/or burning calories more quickly. They come in both prescription and non-prescription forms and can help you to slim down safely and effectively.

However, it’s important to note that unlike many other options, these pills will not teach you how to make healthier eating or exercise habits for the long term. Weight loss pills can pose some health risks, so make sure that you do your research and speak with a medical professional before deciding if this is the right option for you.

Weight loss pills can help you to lose a significant amount of weight quickly, but you should be aware that this weight is likely to come back once you stop using the pill. They are often more effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Diet Shakes

Diet shakes are delicious, nutrient-rich foods that are designed to be both filling and low in calories. They can be a great addition to any healthy diet and are often used as a meal replacement for quick and easy weight loss.

While diet shakes can be a great addition to a healthy weight loss plan, you should be aware that they are not a complete meal replacement. They are often lower in nutrients than a healthy, well-rounded meal. And if you rely on them too much, you risk missing out on vital vitamins and minerals for good health. You should also remember to eat a nutritious and balanced diet, regardless of how many shakes you drink.

Nutritional Counselling

If you’re looking for a more long-term solution to your weight loss problems, nutritional counselling could be the right option. This treatment focuses on teaching you how to make healthy, sustainable dietary changes to help you achieve your desired weight while remaining healthy and energised.

By working with a nutritionist or dietitian, you can tailor your diet to your individual needs and preferences. This could include changing the amount of calories you eat, the types of food you eat and the times of day you eat. As such, it’s a great option for anyone who wants to lose weight while also maintaining their energy levels. One thing to be aware of is that while nutritional counselling will certainly help you to lose weight, it may not be as quick or effective as some of the other options on this list.

Exercise Programs

Exercise programs are designed to help you lose weight by burning more calories than you take in through food. A wide range of different programs and exercises are available, from Zumba to Pilates to yoga.

However, keep in mind that although regular exercise is an essential part of any healthy diet, it’s not necessarily an effective way to lose weight quickly. There are some excellent exercise programs designed to help you to lose weight quickly, but you should be aware that many of them require a significant amount of time and effort. It is not a quick fix, which is something to consider if you have a limited amount of time to spend exercising each week.


Weight loss surgery can be an effective way to lose weight quickly, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a quick fix and not something that you can do on a whim. It’s a major operation, and it’s important to make sure that you are committed to following a healthy diet and exercising regularly before deciding to go ahead with it.

Keep in mind that although weight loss surgery can be an effective way to lose weight quickly, it does not come without risks. It can be an expensive procedure, and it does not always result in long-term weight loss.


There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to weight loss. The best option for you will depend on your needs, lifestyle, and preferences. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before you commit to any treatment, and remember that nothing is magical. No matter which option you choose, it will take time and effort to achieve your desired results.

At Slim Couture, we aid you in taking care of your body and weight loss using TCM slimming methods. Our weight loss program employs a natural approach that can help boost metabolism, burn calories, and enhance general health without causing harmful side effects. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about the wonders of TCM, its numerous advantages, and how it can aid in weight loss.

Insufficient motivation is one of the foremost commonly cited obstacles to losing weight. Whether it’s a lack of willpower, an absence of self-discipline, or just a general lack of drive, there is no shortage of reasons why many find dieting hard.

The truth, though, is that motivation is a fickle mistress. It comes and goes, and there’s little you can do to force it to stay. What you can do is take steps to ensure it comes back as soon as possible when it does leave.

From public accountability to incremental goals, there are many ways to ensure that you stay motivated. Here are three tips that will motivate you and help develop your internal motivation for long-term success:

1. Find an internal motivation

Your motivation to lose weight will be affected by various factors, particularly where your inspiration originates.

External motivation is from the surface, usually in the form of a tangible reward. Another considerable factor is peer pressure or the need for approval from family or friends. Feelings of shame are another. Internal motivation comes from within – you’re driven by the joy you feel from doing an activity or witnessing your developments.

Your motivations for wanting to lose weight are equally essential. There’s no need to feel ashamed if the reason is to improve your appearance, as many others share the same goal. However, it’s also crucial that one of your motivations is internal.

2. S. M.A.R.T. Goals

S.M.A.R.T. goals can help facilitate your weight loss journey. Setting and writing down realistic goals will help you see your destination more clearly and lead to a healthier life in the long run.

– Specific: Rather than writing something general like “lose weight”, make it specific like “lose 5 kilograms in a month by eating healthier and exercising daily”.

– Measurable: Regularly measure your progress and food/calorie intake as best and as detailed as possible. This will help you stay on top of your diet and be mindful of your intake.

– Attainable: Try to make sure that your goals are doable. Do not set your exercise time for an hour every day if you think you cannot follow it.

– Realistic: It would be best if you had goals you could stick with for a long time. For example, losing 20 kilograms in a month is not realistic, and you are bound to lose motivation once you realise that you cannot reach your destination. What you need to do instead is to try and lose 5 kilograms per month. You can increase that goal if you feel ready for more hardcore exercise and diet.

– Timely: Set a date for your weight loss goals. If you feel like you cannot achieve your goals within your given timeline, it’s okay to change it. Don’t be so hard on yourself; be flexible with your plans.

– Self-motivation: How you talk to yourself is crucial – nobody can motivate you best than yourself! Be gentle and compassionate to yourself, especially at the start of your journey.

If you exceed your calorie count or forget a workout, do not be so hard on yourself. Try to instead adjust your schedule to accommodate the missed workout or lose the extra calories.

It’s also okay to treat yourself to sweets now and then as long as you don’t overindulge. Turn away thoughts that tell you that something is hard. Instead, try and think, “This is hard, but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it”.

3. Have a weight-loss or workout buddy

One of your biggest allies is a friend or family member who is also going on the same journey as you. The time will pass more quickly, and you will feel less alone if you try to come up with ideas for how to make a diet or workout more enjoyable and thrilling together. You two can also serve as each other’s partners in motivation. This will make you most likely stay on top of your schedule.


Try redirecting your focus to self-appreciation should you feel uninspired or unhappy with your progress. Instead of criticising yourself for not losing enough weight, try to be grateful that your body moves and everything it does for you. Redirect your focus from how you look to how you move.

Slim Couture is the best slimming centre to go to if you’re looking to lose weight safely through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Our practitioners are dedicated to guiding and motivating you to safely achieve your weight loss goals and lead a healthy lifestyle. Through TCM slimming, you can reduce bloating, improve your digestion, and balance your hormones to achieve a slimmer, healthier you. Drop us a message today to get started!

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