People often pout in photographs to give the appearance of toned cheeks. Using Photoshop to make one look slimmer in photographs is a well-known strategy. However, there are actually better ways to look slimmer in photographs. Manipulating posture, using visual illusion, and light and shade are effective ways to look toned until the completion of your slimming treatment. If you are wondering how to look slimmer in photos, keep reading.

Dressing for photographs

It could be for a college event or a group outing. Whenever you know beforehand that you are going to be photographed, wear clothes smartly. Opt for one colour throughout, and keep it dark. While going for striped dresses, avoid the horizontal ones. Further, avoid having elaborate detailing for any large body parts or bulges. Using shape-wear and heels is also a good option for special events.

Favourable angles to click from

One of the many slimming tips to look good in a photograph is the angle. Position the camera above the eye level. Ask your cameraperson not to take a snapshot from below eye level, as it can give you a double chin in the photographs. This also makes one look shorter, and therefore, wider. Even after your slimming treatment is over, ensure that you are photographed at least from the eye line. To accentuate the angularity of your face, stick your head out a little, keeping the chin a little tilted.

Work on the posture

It is important to stand straight, with your shoulders pulled back and the stomach pulled in. However, you should not overdo this, because that could be easily noticed, with the ribs poking out. If you have extra fat on the belly, you can try an easy alternative slimming treatment like Traditional Chinese Medicine. Try experimenting with celebrity poses, for instance, turning sideways a little, with the toe pointing at the camera.

The body weight should be shifted to the back leg. Keep your hands on the hips and elbows pointing away. This helps define the waistline. No matter what, do not keep them flat against the body.

Smile naturally

Saying ‘cheese’ is outdated. More importantly, it can make your cheeks look rounder than they really are. You should just go for a normal smile. To know how you should smile, practice it by taking selfies. If you have fuller cheeks, stick your tongue to roof of the mouth. Try looking away from the camera as you smile.

Tie your hair a certain way

The trick here is to get the appearance of an elongated neck. You can tie your hair in a loose bun or simply pin it halfway up. However, do not make the bun too tight, as it can create an unflattering angle, making your face and neck look bigger.

Slimming the face down

Starting a weight loss program is the best way to look slimmer. However, if you are more of a selfie person, slimming the face in photographs is easy as well. Skip foundation and instead use a darker shade bronzer. Face and cheekbone contouring can be done by using highlights and contouring powder. You can also use filters that use light to accentuate cheekbones or bronze the face. Avoid facing direct sunlight while being clicked.

If you are following a weight loss program or visiting a slimming centre but still not getting the desired results, you must be doing something wrong. Before you blame it on your poor diet or lack of exercise, ask yourself whether you are having enough sleep every night. Often, we underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep for weight loss. A chronic sleep debt can undo all the positive results from hours of exercising and days of healthy dieting. Here is how adequate sleep helps you to lose weight.

Balances hormone levels

Leptin and Ghrelin are two hormones responsible for your appetite. While Leptin helps suppress your appetite, Ghrelin enhances it. When you do not get enough sleep, your body produces less Leptin and more Gherlin. As a result, you may end up eating more resulting to a weight gain . The only way to restore the hormonal balance is by getting adequate amount sleep every night.

Improves metabolism

Lack of sleep may boost the cortisol levels in your blood, which may affect your metabolism. Cortisol turns protein into glucose. With excessive glucose stored in your body, you may gain fat. Cortisol also affects your ability to develop muscles. If you want lower Cortisol levels in your blood naturally, you need to sleep well.

Expedites growth and recovery

Your body produces growth hormones when you sleep. Growth hormones help speed up the process of growth. You start to grow stronger. If you get any muscle injury during exercise, you can recover faster during sleep. Taking rest allows your body to heal, grow, regenerate, and lose weight.

How to improve your sleep

If you have a very busy schedule, you may not get enough sleep despite your best efforts. You know that sleep is important, but it is easier said than done. So here are some useful tips.

  • Make a schedule – Depending on your work hours, you may want to go to bed a little late. That’s okay, as long as you complete your eight hours of sleep every night. If you plan to go to bed at 11 pm, set your morning alarm at 7 am. If you get to bed at 12 am, you should wake up at 8 am. Make your own schedule and stick to it – no matter what.
  • Restrict the entry of electronic items to your bedroom – Watching TV or using mobile phones before sleep may distract you easily. Instead, you can read a book or write something. That is a great way to ensure going to bed on time every night.
  • Avoid procrastination – Procrastination is a bigger problem than you can even imagine. Many people fail to follow a schedule due to procrastination. They don’t start working until it’s too late. This can cause you to miss deadlines and extend your work hours, which would eventually affect your sleep time. You should address this issue very seriously. If required, seek advice from a good counsellor.

In some cases, lacking of sleep could be a medical symptom. If you find difficulty having a good night’s sleep despite your best efforts, consider seeing a doctor. Sleep well and visit a slimming centre to speed up your weight loss.

Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back thousands of years. It works with a number of techniques like cupping, acupressure, Guasa and acupuncture. The principle of TCM revolves around strategic eating, massaging, diet, and body movement like going for walks. A holistic science, TCM slimming focuses more on the body’s energy balance than on mere calorie deficit. It diagnoses weight gain as the ‘deficiency of qi.’ If you want to lose weight with TCM, consider visiting a TCM slimming centre. There are a number of ways to lose weight, using TCM. Here’s a look.

Respect the body clock

Healthy habits are of the utmost importance in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Get up early and have a healthy breakfast early in the day. From seven to nine in the morning is believed to be the best time for digestion. The lunch should be moderate in amount, and the dinner even lighter.

Restore your Qi

Qi is the basis of a healthy body, in Chinese philosophy. However, constantly changing one’s dietary regime can stagnate the Qi, and lead to ‘dampness’, characterised by sluggishness, cravings, bloating, and even gas. Whole foods, fruits, and vegetables complement the Qi. Avoid drinking cold beverages. Visit a good slimming centre to determine the Qi harmony of your body.

Drink the right amount of water

Drinking enough water is an indispensable part of almost every weight loss program. Traditional Chinese Medicine advises drinking sufficient water as well. Warm water early in the morning, can help flush out toxins and clear the bowels. This is necessary to kick-start metabolism. However, avoid drinking too much water.

Use acupressure

Certain points on the human body, when pressed in the right manner, can suppress appetite. One such point is located near the ear canals of both of your ears. Simply pinch this area intermittently for about a minute, 15 minutes before a meal. This helps prevent overeating, especially if you are feeling a little too hungry.

Visit a good Chinese medicine slimming centre

It is better to figure out your weight loss program using Traditional Chinese Medicine at a slimming centre. TCM experts can guide you on diet management and exercise. You will benefit from special therapies like Guasha and cupping. TCM treatment can readjust the constitution of the body, and help prevent/control lifestyle diseases.

Get enough sleep

The TCM system believes that our bodies detoxify around 11 in the night. Sleeping late can have a negative impact on the detoxification process.

Replace coffee with tea

TCM slimming believes that coffee aggravates dampness and is phlegmatic. Instead, tea should be taken. Tea supports weight loss, prevents stagnant bowels, and keeps the Qi intact. Oolong tea is a popular alternative for weight loss.

Do not fill yourself while eating

Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends incorporating bitter foods in one’s diet. Bitter foods make it difficult to overeat and help to feel full. Do not eat too fast or while watching TV or using your phone. It is important to fully enjoy your food and feel satisfied without overeating. It is ideal to eat for about only 80% of your appetite

Taking diet pills to hasten your slimming treatment may not be a good idea. Slimming pills are often merely a combination of diuretics and caffeine. You might lose a couple of pounds initially, but the results are short-lived. The dehydration caused can be dangerous. Overdosing on weight loss pills has proved fatal in the recent past. They pose other threats to health as well, including organ failure and even strokes. Before you decide to take pills to lose weight, consider the following.

Consequences of taking weight loss pills

Orlistat and phentermine are licensed in Singapore. However, medication should not be taken without consulting your doctor. The number of people ordering unregulated drugs on online stores for unmonitored weight loss programs has increased. Overdosing on Fluoxetine caused the death of a 22-year old student in China in 2016. Popular Singaporean celebrities like Andrea de Cruz and Cheryl Miles have had bad experiences with slimming pills as well. Let’s take a look at the side-effects of different kinds of slimming medications.

Appetite suppressing pills

Stimulants in nature, this type of weight loss pills can induce conditions like nervousness, palpitation, irritation, and abnormal heart rates. A lot of them have been taken off the market after it was found that they pose serious threat to life. Slimming pills that suppress the appetite have also been found to increase blood pressure. Hair loss and constipation have been reported in some cases.

Metabolism boosting pills

Metabolism boosting slimming pills often trigger increased heart rates and palpitations. Other side-effects, including physiological and psychological changes are quite similar to what most appetite suppressants trigger.

Fat-absorption reducing pills

Pills that work on the principle of absorbing fat from food stored in the intestines can cause liver injury. The symptoms include loss of appetite, itching, yellowed skin and eyes, pale colored stools and brownish color of urine.

What’s the truth behind herbal pills?

These are available over the counter at chemists. Herbals pills are being advertised aggressively as having less side effects. They claim to be 100% natural and packed with vitamins and calcium. However, certain medications sold online contain dangerous amounts of stimulants like sibutramine. Other common ingredients include Chromium, fiber, and fat burning substances. Fiber is delivered in the form of laxatives, too much of which can result in bowel disease. Some herbal pills also contain substances similar to amphetamine. Common side effects of herbal pills include headaches, vomiting, elevated blood pressure, and insomnia, among others.

Are there any safer alternatives?

The most popular way to achieve your weight loss goal is by burning calorie through diet management and exercise like going for a long walk for a start. However, for obese people or those with specific health problems, alternative slimming treatments are also available. Safer alternatives like Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine have no side effects. Moreover, they can help deal with lifestyle diseases like diabetes.

TCM slimming treatment involves techniques like acupuncture and massage, besides specialized treatments like guasha and cupping. Chinese medicine relies on establishing a healthy ying-yang harmony within the body. Coupled with the right exercise and diet, TCM slimming can be an effective and safe way to lose weight.

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