For an effective weight loss solution, what you consume undoubtedly plays a pivotal role. Research has also revealed that some foods do have an impact on your appetite. By extension, certain foods hold greater influence in your weight loss pursuits more than others.

If you’re on a mission to shed a couple of those stubborn pounds, you’ll definitely want to start incorporating these weight loss friendly foods in your healthy diet! On top of being effective when it comes to weight loss, they offer numerous benefits that aid and support healthy living! Without further ado, get to know the top 5 weight loss friendly foods you should indulge in your diet!

1. Whole Eggs 

Once feared for being high cholesterol, eggs have made a complete comeback! Research has shown that their high levels of cholesterol aren’t as bad as you might think – so long as you eat your eggs in moderation. Our body requires cholesterol to make testosterone, the hormone that is responsible for building muscles and increase energy levels. Thus, doing away with cholesterol altogether is not a viable option.

In comparison to regular eggs, whole eggs are low in calories. Moreover, they offer dietary fats that allow for quick absorption of protein and are very satiating. By including this nutrient-dense ingredient into your diet, you would be able to suppress your appetite whilst still benefit from its numerous nutrients!

2.Leafy Greens

It certainly comes as no surprise to see leafy greens on the list. After all, emblematic diet dish, salads, are made out of primarily leafy greens. They carry numerous properties that make them an ideal addition to your weight loss diet, mainly being low in both carbohydrates and calories, and high in dietary fibre to keep you feeling full throughout the day. They’re also high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are proven to aid in fat burning. No wonder salads are the number one go-to diet meal!


Healthy yet incredibly satisfying, fatty fish like salmon keeps you full for numerous hours with a low amount of calories. Salmon is loaded with healthy fats, high-quality protein and various vital nutrients like iodine, which are crucial for your metabolism to run optimally.

On top of that, salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats play a prominent role in the reduction of inflammation; thus, inhibiting the development of any metabolic disease and obesity. Other examples of fatty fish include sardines, mackerel and herring.


Many are under the impression that nuts are extremely fattening, but that’s simply isn’t true! Nuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats and fibre; and all of these nutrients are shown to boost metabolic health and promote weight loss.

Additionally, studies have found that people who regularly include nuts in their diet are often leaner and healthier compared to those that don’t. However, ensure that you moderate your nut indulgence as they’re fairly high in calories.


It’s a well-known fact that sugar should be avoided whenever possible during a weight loss pursuit, but fruits don’t contain just any sugar, but natural sugar! Natural sources of sugar not only require a longer time to be digested, but it also helps to stabilise your metabolic rate.

These high-fibre fruits also help to prevent sugar from entering into your bloodstream too quickly after a meal. Blood sugar spikes often cause lethargy and hunger, and even type 2 diabetes in the long run.


You can easily find healthy foods like the 5 above to include in your weight loss diet without any hassle. Together with moderation and regular exercise, these nutritious foods will pave your way to a healthier you.

Alternatively, you can opt for our TCM slimming in Singapore to get rid of excess weight. We’ve incorporated traditional Chinese medicine techniques in our weight loss programs to help you in slimming down effectively.

When you’re trying to lose weight effectively, your diet plays a prominent role in contributing to your results. This is because the foods you consume or avoid have a major effect on your weight. In general, it is ideal to avoid or reduce the consumption of foods that are calorie-dense. However, the number of calories is not the only factor that comes into play.

For instance, low-calorie foods that do not contain sufficient nutrients such as fibre and protein can result in one feeling unsatisfied and hungry, which in turn, make it more challenging to resist snacking. With that said, here are 4 common foods you should reduce or avoid consuming for a successful weight loss journey. 

1. Foods with added sugar

 Despite providing empty calories, foods rich in added sugar are not filling, and have been linked to various health problems including obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Examples of such foods include sweetened drinks, dairy desserts and candy.

A study also found that there is a correlation between consuming beverages with added sugar and excess weight gain in adolescents and children. Be extra careful when consuming products that are low in fat or fat-free, as food manufacturers usually add a lot more sugar to account for the loss of flavour.

2. French fries

As tempting and readily available they might be, French fries are incredibly high in calories, unhealthy fats and salt. Numerous restaurants usually cook their fries in deep fryers to obtain that crispy texture, which also adds a great number of calories and fat. On top of that, French fries can be addictive and this leads to people consuming many at one go.

When dining out, opt for fresh fruits or salad as your snack, instead of fries. You can also consider whole, boiled potatoes that can easily fill you up and most importantly, are a much healthier option.

3. White rice

As rice is a staple food in most countries, consuming rice daily comes as no surprise. Despite being very low in fat, white rice also contains minimal protein and fibre. It was found that the more white rice one consumes, the higher risk of obesity in female adolescents. With a high glycemic index, white rice can also potentially cause a spike in one’s blood sugar levels.

For a healthier alternative, choose brown or cauliflower rice instead, which are richer in dietary fibre to keep you fuller for a longer time.

4. Ice cream

Everyone’s guilty pleasure! Ice cream is definitely mouthwatering, and you’ll probably find yourself craving it from time to time, but it’s especially unhealthy as it is high in calories. Plus, most store-bought ice cream is packed with excessive sugar. A small portion is forgivable once in a while, but it’s easy to consume large amounts of sugar, especially if you’re having more than one scoop with additional toppings.

To make things fun and exciting yet healthy, you can make your own ice cream using less sugar and much healthier ingredients such as fruits and full-fat yoghurt.

Here at Slim Couture, our well-loved and established TCM slimming treatment is also another healthier approach you can take to achieve results in your weight loss efforts. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine slimming techniques, this procedure will help remove body toxins, eliminate water tension and boost metabolism so you can lose weight safely without negative side effects. Our slimming experts will also advise you on your diet and nutrition, so you are more confident in what you should be consuming.

You’ve probably heard that heart-pumping cardio exercises like running and jump rope are great for burning fat. While that is true, these high-impact exercises put significant strain on your joints and might cause an overuse injury.

But not to worry! There are low-impact exercises that will get your heart pumping and give you a good sweat without putting stress on your joints. These exercises are great for people who are new to working out, recovering from injury or simply want a lighter workout. Don’t be fooled though; you’ll still feel the burn in your muscles.

Keep reading to find out the best low-impact exercises for weight loss.

1. Brisk walking

Walking is the easiest way to torch calories. Whether it’s on the ground or the treadmill, an hour of brisk walking can burn 200 – 500 calories. To boost your workout, you can wear a weighted vest or carry light dumbbells as you walk. Walking uphill can also help you burn as many calories as you would while running.

Keep your walks fun by exploring a new area around your neighbourhood or going on a hike with a friend! You’d be surprised at how effective this simple activity can be for weight loss and maintenance.

 2. Swimming

 Swimming tops the list when it comes to being joint-friendly. Nonetheless, it offers a full-body workout that works on your strength, cardio and flexibility all at the same time. The water provides resistance that pushes your muscles to work hard, but with barely any stress on your joints.

Depending on your weight, an hour in the pool can help you burn 300 – 500 calories.

 3. Power yoga 

Power yoga involves quick transitions between traditional yoga poses. The swift movements speed up your heart rate and get you sweating in no time. On average, a one-hour session of power yoga can burn about 400 calories.

The poses are a workout for your entire body, improving your strength and flexibility. Power yoga also builds lean muscle mass which boosts your metabolism as well. This intense form of yoga is a popular option for those working towards weight loss.

 4. Pilates

Pilates is a popular low-impact exercise that focuses on strengthening your core. Pilates improves your flexibility, posture, balance and overall strength. At the same time, it builds muscle and burns fat, which enhances your metabolism.

There are many pilates studios in Singapore that offer classes using a reformer, which is a resistance device that is customisable to your capacity. But if going to a studio sounds intimidating for you, there are plenty of pilates workouts on YouTube that you can follow at home. All you need is an exercise mat!

An hour of pilates typically burns about 360 calories.

5. Cycling

Cycling is another low-impact cardio exercise if done at a moderate pace. Riding with the correct amount of resistance will not only alleviate stress from your joints but burn 400 – 600+ calories in an hour. Make your rides more exciting by alternating between hilly terrains, flat ground and sprints. Cycling can be done outdoors on a bicycle or in the gym on a stationary one.

Exercise is essential for weight loss and overall health. However, it takes time before your efforts pay off. If you’d like to maximise the results a little quicker, consider a slimming treatment to supplement your workouts.

At Slim Couture, we offer an all-natural TCM slimming treatment that boosts your metabolism and improves your overall health without any side effects. Taking care of your body inside and out is the key to reaching your health goals!

Your body’s metabolism plays a vital role in weight loss. Metabolism refers to how your body burns calories for processes like breathing and blood circulation. How many calories you burn, however, depends on your individual metabolic rate. The faster it is, the more calories you burn.

If you’re looking to shed some weight, here are four things that you can do to speed up your metabolic rate naturally.

1. Eat more protein

Any food you eat will increase your metabolism for a short time after. This is caused by the thermic effect of food (TEF), whereby your body burns extra calories to digest and metabolise what you eat.

Protein is shown to have the highest TEF out of all the food groups, increasing your metabolic rate by 20 – 30%. Protein is also shown to keep you full for more extended periods of time, so you won’t be overeating or binging on snacks! As such, including protein in your diet helps you to burn more calories throughout the day.

2. Do HIIT workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts consist of short bursts of intense cardio and strength exercises with periods of low-intensity recovery. One benefit of HIIT, which makes it a favourite for weight loss, is its ability to burn a large number of calories in a short period of time.

However, HIIT provides a high ‘afterburn’ as well. After a workout, your body goes through excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC causes your body to draw oxygen and burn calories at an enhanced rate to restore itself to its normal state. HIIT is shown to cause a significantly higher EPOC than other exercises due to its high intensity.

3. Get your caffeine dose

 If you’re a fan of coffee, you’re in luck! Studies show that caffeine in coffee can boost your metabolism by 3 – 11%. The same goes for oolong and green tea, which are shown to increase metabolism by 4 – 5%. Caffeine is also a fat burner, as it stimulates the nervous system to signal fat cells to break down fats in the body. This fat burning causes an increase in metabolic rate.

Furthermore, coffee and tea are low in calories when drunk without sugar or milk, making them a good beverage option for weight loss.

Boost your metabolism holistically

Taking care of your body as a whole is another method to accelerate your metabolic rate. If you’d like to enhance your metabolism holistically, there are specialised TCM slimming treatments available in Singapore to do just that. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a popular form of holistic treatment as it’s a natural approach to curing specific ailments.

Slim Couture offers a non-invasive TCM slimming treatment that uses specialised techniques to help you lose weight healthily. One of the techniques used, Guasha, uses a special apparatus that stimulates blood flow and circulation to increase metabolism. And if you’re worried about maintaining your weight after your treatment, Slim Couture offers post-treatment support with a comprehensive diet plan to ease your worries.

TCM slimming is an effective treatment to speed up your metabolic rate and improve your overall health naturally.

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