The difficulty of a weight loss journey is undisputable. To reach your goal weight, you’d need to put in the time, dedication and hard work. Sometimes, this goal may seem far-fetched, even after putting in all those necessary ingredients. Before you decide that there is no other way to overcome a hurdle so unsurmountable, don’t!

Goals and resolutions may work for some but perhaps, what you need is a system. You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to your systems. This means building a set of habits to fall back on. The accumulation of these daily habits will then turn into a process that will lead to you achieving your weight loss goals. Adopting systems mean not being hyper-focused on your goals. There is no rush or urgency.

Having a system is an excellent way to take your weight loss journey slow, which translates to better mental health. Here are some simple habits to include when you first start building a system that suits you and only you.

Make a Sleep Schedule

Whilst the hours vary from person to person, sleep experts have recommended at least 8 hours of sleep each night. This number, however, may be a tad too rigid to some. Dedicating a total of 8 hours every night may not be manageable to those with a hectic lifestyle.

The trick is to guarantee that the quality of sleep is not compromised, no matter the hours you’ve clocked in. Each stage in the sleep cycle offers different benefits but deep sleep and REM sleep are particularly important. Making sure that you have those two sleep cycles on lock, will increase your productivity during the day, enhance your mood and reduce your appetite throughout the day. The more you sleep, the less food your body will crave.

You can improve the quality of your sleep by avoiding alcohol, nicotine and waking in the middle in the night due to noise or light. When creating a sleep schedule, jumping into an 8 hour sleep schedule may not be sustainable. Instead, give yourself a range from anywhere 7 to 9 hours. This makes it less stressful for you and you will have enough time to wrap things up if you had any work left. You may also want to give yourself a loose bedtime. For instance, if you’ve set your bedtime at 12, you may start finishing up your work or stop altogether. However, don’t be excessive and use it to work all the way till 3 in the morning. Whilst it is a lax system, you still need to instill a sense of discipline. Don’t make a habit of using the schedule’s flexibility to push back on your hours lest your body breaks down from the lack of rest.

Exercise Before Bed

Since we’re on the topic of quality sleep, one of the best ways to boost your sleep is to do light exercise before your sleep. There is a consensus that late-night exercise will stimulate your body to the point of sleeplessness. However, so long as the exercise routine does not interfere with your sleep, exercising before going to bed is beneficial!

Decompress after a long day by activating, stretching and relaxing those tensed muscles. When both your mind and body are calm, it’s easier to drift off into slumber. You can start slow by incorporating gentle exercises such as yoga. Focus on your breathing whilst you stretch your back in a seated forward fold. You can use this time to meditate and be present in the now. 25 minutes is ideal but again, a range is preferable than a solid number. Incorporate a gentle exercise routine of any kind, for a few minutes before your bedtime. It could be 30 minutes yoga routine today and a 10 minutes stroll the next day. The idea behind a system is to build the habit of doing, rather than having a specific guideline.

Cross off Chores on Your List

Going to bed with undone chores is never easy to fall asleep to. In fact, they may nag at the back of your head even while you’re asleep and this will may also meddle with the quality of sleep.

Instead, take an hour or two out of your day to finish a few chores. It’s fine if you can’t complete your long list but break it down into smaller tasks to do throughout the week. You can also use this period to prepare yourself for the next day. The trick for efficient cleaning is to spend a time slot to do two types of chores at the same time. In the 60 minutes you spend to prep your lunch for the next day, you can also do your laundry. Once you’re done with your lunch prep and cleaning the kitchen, your laundry is ready to be hung. Be efficient with your time!

Taking care of your mental health

Weight loss is not only about physical health, but it is also about mental health. Having a sense of control and having a sense of small, mundane achievements from creating a system is amazing for your mental health.

Even if you’ve incorporated the best slimming treatment into your weight loss journey, never neglect your mental state. In the ideal case, you can opt for a cheat code to attain the goal. For instance, choosing an effective TCM weight loss program is useful as you don’t have to fixate yourself with a goal. You can push that goal to the back of your mind and focus on building your system, incorporating the program while you’re at it. Take this journey slow and you’ll reach the finishing line with a healthier mind and body.

Today, losing weight has a poor reputation as often, it connotates to consistent starving, laxatives disguising as slimming teas and just overall bad diet. Your body is a reflection of what you eat and this is why it is utmost crucial that you are not only aware of what you eat, but also take the necessary steps to make sure that your diet is balanced as it is healthy. Whether you wish to shed a few pounds or adopt a healthier lifestyle, here are 5 steps that will help you plan your own dietary.

1. Identify What Foods You Should Stay Away From

Before planning your diet properly, you need to decide what foods to avoid. By understanding how your body changes with the different types of foods, you will understand what it takes to create a proper foundation for not only your weight loss but also your health. For instance, unlike popular belief, fruit juices are not healthy for you. They are highly processed and are loaded with sugar, even those that are freshly pressed. Unless the skin of the fruit is included (which it usually doesn’t), you will not get any fibre. Instead, opt for a whole fruit rather than a carton of fruit juice. These fruits can also be an alternative to snacks such as chips that are high in both calories and sodium. After making a list of foods you need to stay away from, it’s time for the next step.

2. Make a Shopping List

Knowing what foods not to put into your cart will make your shopping easier. However, resisting temptation is easier than done. It’s easy to get tempted by the unhealthy foods that are seemingly beckoning you. It is thus necessary to make a shopping list prior to your trip to the supermarket. Ensure that you stick to the list and reject anything that transgresses your list. Discipline is important and should be exercised strictly to ensure that you get your desired results as fast as possible.

3. Pay Attention to What You Drink

While foods are crucial when you wish to change your diet, don’t neglect your drinks either. They affect your health and body just as much as foods do! For instance, soft drinks are high in calories and these liquid sugar calories will add to your normal intake. This means that not only will it be harder to lose weight, but your blood sugar will also spike and the fat will be stored in the belly and around your organs. This also the same for specific types of alcohol, including beer. They are full of empty calories and will only give you another layer of fat to your belly. Thus, make it a point to drink only plain water and drink 8 glasses of them.

4. Importance of Eating Protein

Protein is one of the foods you need to ensure that is included in your diet. They are an important component in your cell buildup and tissue repair. Along with fats and carbohydrates, your body needs a large amount of protein as they are considered as macronutrients. Since the body is unable to store protein, you need to ensure that you regularly replenish them and include in your daily meals.

Examples of protein-rich meals:

– Breakfast: Eggs with whole-grain toast

– Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and salad

– Dinner: Grilled salmon and steamed vegetables

Examples for Vegetarians:

– Breakfast: Oats with sliced bananas

– Lunch: Sweet potato noodle stir-fry

– Dinner: Vegetarian lettuce wraps

5. Don’t Make Your Diet a Nightmare

Your diet does not need to feel like a prison. Start by tweaking your current diet and slowly make changes before your body gets used to it. Of course, this also means your body will not change quickly either. This is where you need to supplement your diet with, for instance, signing for the best weight loss program in a gym or even, a trip to a slimming centre in Singapore. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) slimming is a fantastic option for those who do not wish to undergo an invasive procedure such as bypass surgery. TCM slimming will also improve your overall health with their naturally-derived food supplements. Thus, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards your weight loss plan right now!

Vacations provide an opportune time and space to unwind and take a breather from your busy lifestyle. You’d want to enjoy this break to the fullest and perhaps take a few photos to document your experience. The desire to appear at your best is understandable, especially if you don’t wish to check your angles in every photo constantly. If you would like to lose weight and trim your waistline, here are some tips to help you achieve that ideal body.

Abstain From Sweets

It isn’t easy, we know, but you will need to sacrifice those sweets, chocolates and even soft drinks. These empty calories snacks contain little to no nutrients your body need and instead, supply food energy that may lead to weight gain. Furthermore, these foods may hinder the absorption of other nutrients.

A diet that’s high in added sugar puts vitamins E, A, C and magnesium at risk. One review states that the nutrient intake was less with every 5% increase in added sugar. Instead, opt for the healthier option such as fruits to sate your sweet tooth.

Burn Off Those Calories

It’s a no brainer to include exercise in your weight loss journey. You will need to put the different body parts to work, in order to shed some pounds. You can gauge the intensity of your workout routines by also making sure that your output is bigger than your input. That said, make sure that your body can keep up with your exercise routine. Start small before increasing its intensity by small increments.

If you can, dedicate some time to commit to a routine 3 times a week. If you don’t have the luxury of time, slip in a 15 minutes’ walk here and there. Even though it may not be enough to bring about a significant change just in time for your vacation, do remember that there is no easy way to lose weight and a shortcut should never be an option as it will harm your body in the long run.

Start Your Day Right

The first thing that you need to make sure you got right, is not to miss breakfast. When you wake up, your body needs to enough blood sugar to ensure that it functions at its optimal level. There are many studies that show eating breakfast is linked with better memory, low levels of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and higher metabolism.

It is thus crucial to ensure that you kickstart your day with a healthy breakfast. A heavy breakfast with pancakes, bacon and eggs will often than not, make you feel sluggish instead. Have a decent breakfast such as a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of vegetable smoothie. Ensure that you have just enough till lunch rolls around.

Never Skip Lunch

Besides breakfast, but you shouldn’t skip lunch as well. You need the energy to maintain brain activity and other bodily functions. Es. pecially if you’ve taken a light meal a few hours prior, you will need a more substantial meal to supplement your daily activities.

You don’t necessarily need to eat only salads to lose weight. There are healthy options that are more filling, such as wholegrain pasta or even wraps. Try to include lean proteins such as salmon, chicken breast or tuna. Always ensure that you have a well-balanced diet at all times.

Have A Plan

Start with a realistic goal that you wish to achieve. Be conscious of the calories you take in and calculate the amount of calories you need to burn such that you’d be at a calorie deficit. Commit to your exercise routine and a strict diet. That said, forgive your body if you are not able to attain your goal. You will realise that your body may need more time to lose that stubborn weight or that it has reached a plateau. Once that happens, do not be hard to yourself and introduce changes into your routine. Perhaps increase your workout intensity or shift your dietary components.

You might even want to consider going for the best slimming treatments you can find in Singapore to supplement your weight loss. Having an expert’s advice on the matter is worth your time, and with their help, you may even achieve a slim waist just in time for your vacation.

There are a plethora of approaches to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Sometimes, a changed dietary plan and opting for the best weight loss program in Singapore may not be enough. An exercise regime needs to supplement your existing approach to ensure you get the most from your weight loss journey.

To kick-start your weight loss, you need to make sure that your output is bigger than your input. Different exercise tackle different parts of your body and each bring their own set of benefits to the table. While you picture having an ideal body, here are five different types of exercises you may want to consider including in your plan.

1. Lace Up Buttercup

Running is the go-to exercise when one wants to lose weight and rightly so! Running, like many other aerobic exercises, is efficient in shedding a few pounds, especially in the belly area. Study shows that it not only trains your heart and lungs but increase muscle mass. Partaking in cardio exercises will decrease your belly fat, waist circumference and overall body fat. Whether it be on a treadmill or a natural trek, be proud of the sweat that drips down your face!

Steel your resolve with a weekly running plan and note the total distance you covered and your timing. It’s recommended to run or jog at least 3-4 times a week, and roughly 20-40 each time.

2. Mundane But It Works

If you’d prefer something less demanding, you may want to consider walking. As banal as it sounds, walking is also another form of aerobic exercise. You will reap the same benefits when you run, but expect results to trickle in a slow manner. Compared to running, burning the same amount of calories will take twice as long. Despite its slow nature, walking is actually better for your body than running. Low impact exercises, such as walking, place less stress on your joints and improve your joint health by working the surrounding muscles and tendons.

The Singapore Health Promotion Board (HPB) encourages one to clock 10,000 steps a day but this might not be feasible if you’re busy with school or work. Instead, aim to take daily walks for 30 minutes. Opt to walk a short distance away instead of taking a bus. In fact, walking for 10 minutes a day results in a mental health boost, so don’t dismiss it as an unviable option.

3. The All-Rounder

You’re may not be the next Joseph Schooling but you can use him as inspiration! Swimming is an all-round exercise, using nearly all your muscles for a simple workout. Depending on the level of intensity, this aerobic exercise can either be an intense workout or otherwise. The amount of calories burned will depend on your weight and the swimming style. In a 1 hour session, you will burn between 300 and 500 calories swimming breaststroke while swimming crawl will burn 10 percent more.

Swim multiple laps in public swimming pools that are accessible in almost all neighbourhoods or sign up for weekly swimming lessons. Burn those calories while enjoying a mental solitude after a long week.

4. Get Your Big Guns

Strength training may seem counterproductive to be included in your weight loss journey, but it truly isn’t! Coming to such a conclusion is understandable when you realise your weight is not budging. It is worth to take note that you are burning fat when you’re lifting those weights. One study states that strength training reduced visceral fat in 78 people with metabolic issues. Thus, the small change may be due to the increase in muscle mass, with muscles being heavier than fats.

Strength training increases resting energy expenditure and reduces both body fat and belly fat, especially if paired with a cardio exercise. While it is great to have a gym membership, you don’t necessarily need one to do strength training. Get yourself a resistance band and it’ll do just fine! Always be mindful of your limits and take precautions, especially if you’re working with machines.

5. Take A Deep Breath

Yoga has taken a more commercialised approach and its appeal has started a cultural movement in the West in the past decade. Don’t be fooled by its zen nature. Yoga not only gives you an avenue to meditate, but it also helps you to burn calories. Its calorie burn rate is significantly lower compared to other exercises but it offers diverse effects that will aid in your weight loss journey. For instance, one who practices yoga will experience an increase in their sleep quality. Quality sleep reduces the production of hunger hormones and thus, lessen your appetite.

You may want to sign up for a class and or do it in the comfort of your home and take instructions from a Youtube video. Lose weight faster when you add yoga among your other aerobic exercise. Clock in 20 minutes worth, 3 times a week and start living healthier!

Weight loss journey is never breezy. There are times when you feel good in your body, and there will be times when you break down at your lack of results. If nothing works, you may want to consider receiving treatments to lose weight. For instance, TCM Slimming is an effective weight loss treatment that not only improve your physical appearance, but it also does wonders to your health. The takeaway from this journey should be an improved health status – physical, mental and emotional.

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