There’s no denying that a healthy diet and more physical movements are part of maintaining weight control. Hence, you are probably trying your best to avoid certain foods every mealtime and do your best to sweat off by exercising.

However, if you still struggle with a few extra pounds, there may be another variable you might want to tweak a little: the timing of your meals! 

As the saying goes, timing is everything! When it comes to eating, it’s also important to follow the right timing, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Although it sounds too good to be true, research shows that changing when you eat may help you shed off those extra pounds and improve your overall health at the same time!  Read on to find out the importance of meal timing for losing weight!

How important is meal timing?

When talking about meal timing, it’s essential to remember that your mealtime should align with your circadian rhythm – your body’s natural internal rhythm. Your body is designed to produce a different combination of hormones in the morning than at night: the morning combination aims to help you feel awake and alert, while the nighttime hormones help you sleep.

Concerning weight loss, studies have shown that your body’s fat cells have a circadian rhythm as well. Earlier in the day, its activities aim to help your body use fat and energy, while your body is likely to accumulate fat at night. Research also shows that people who work at night typically weigh more than people who work during the day.

When is the right time to eat?

The desire to eat bangs at your stomach’s doors every 3-5 hours by using your body’s internal rhythm. This is why several people are used to having 3-4 meals a day! To help you out, check out when is the right timing to eat.


We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It’s good to ingest a high-protein breakfast between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. when you aim for weight loss. Eating between these hours helps reduce the risk of fat accumulation in the body, making you feel less hungry throughout the day.

Mid-morning snack

A mid-morning snack is unnecessary, but if you get hungry quickly, it’s fine as long as you follow the right timing. Your body takes a minimum of 4 hours to digest and absorb the food you eat, so it is advised to consume your mid-morning snacks at least 2 to 4 hours after eating your breakfast.


Having a satisfying lunch is also critical. It is advised that this meal of the day is when you should eat the most. Never skip lunch if you’re trying to lose weight because skipping lunch will leave you hungry and might lead to overeating during dinner. If possible, you should eat your lunch before 3 p.m.

Afternoon Snack

Like your mid-morning snack, you should take your afternoon snack 2 to 4 hours after your lunch. Eating snacks in between meals prevents you from overeating. To speed up your weight loss process, try to have snacks such as fruits, smoothies, or nuts and increase your vegetable intake too!


When it comes to dinner, it’s advisable to have a light dinner at night, and it should be taken before 7 PM. Dinner should be consumed at least three hours before your bedtime.  Should you be hungry and crave a midnight snack, keep in mind that it is advisable not to have anything 2 hours before sleeping to lose weight.


Your weight loss journey can be challenging, and there may be times that you’ll only see little progress. Along with a healthy diet and a proper workout, meal timing is also an important factor in losing weight, so make sure to keep in mind the recommended meal times.

Aside from the three primary keys – diet, exercise, and meal timing, you may also try TCM slimming treatment to achieve your desired body in no time. Here at Slim Couture, we have experts that use traditional Chinese medicine techniques to help you shed some extra pounds and achieve your dream physique! Feel free to contact us and start your weight loss journey at the best slimming centre in town.

You’ve pushed through exhausting workout sessions, tracked your calories seriously, and given up your favourite cheat meal to eat a healthy diet – yet those last few pounds can’t seem to go away! When you’ve come a long way and finally hit those last few pounds wall, making some simple changes to your workout routine or your diet meal plan can be extremely helpful.

If you are one of those people with a long-term weight loss goal, you probably know how amazing it feels to see your hard work reflected on the weighing scale – and how frustrating it is to see that a certain number get stuck just a few pounds away from your target weight! Get rid of your frustrations by checking out these 5 tips and tricks you can try to finally shed those last few pounds.

Lift weights

The most effective way to increase your metabolism is strength or resistance training because muscle burns more calories than fat! Unlike fats, muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does pound-per-pound.

Just remember that adding muscle won’t transform you into a calorie-burning machine; it is just a strategy to lose those last few pounds.

Don’t skip your post-workout meal

There’s no denying that you might not feel hungry immediately following your workout session. In fact, intense workout sessions may crush your appetite for up to 90 minutes after the workout is complete.

However, eating after your workout session is extremely important, and it can be the reason why you just can’t lose those extra pounds! Eating a protein-packed snack containing enough carbs will grant you the nutrients your body needs to repair your muscles.

Make a food journal

If you can’t think of other ways to lose those last few pounds, try making a food journal and write down your food intake for a few days, you might be surprised! Sometimes, people don’t realise the occasional few bites here and there can accumulate. Therefore, it becomes a possible factor as to why you’re not losing weight completely.

To help you with this, try writing down your exact food intake. You may figure out that you’re actually nibbling more than you think.

Do less high-intensity interval training

High-intensity interval training or HIIT has been proven to offer weight-loss benefits, and studies show that it’s not uncommon for people working out for weight loss to get too comfortable and happy with HIIT.

This may be unhealthy because when HIIT is done excessively, it can cause unpleasant side effects, such as extreme fatigue and soreness, trouble sleeping, and lack of motivation, which is unhelpful in losing those pounds.

Get enough sleep

Your tiresome workout session and healthy diet meal plans won’t be effective if you don’t get enough amount of sleep! Having not enough sleep seriously messes with your hunger hormones to spike, which makes losing those last few pounds impossible to get rid of.

Research shows that people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to crave fatty foods or sweets. Not only that, they will have a slower metabolism.


Losing those last few pounds is the most challenging part of your weight loss journey. However, if you’ve tried everything on the list of tips for how to get rid of those pounds and you still can’t say goodbye to them, maybe it’s time to switch up your routine!

If you have carefully followed a healthy diet, a proper meal timing plan, and workout sessions, but to no avail, you might want to try the TCM slimming method!

At Slim Couture, we’ve integrated the practice of traditional Chinese medicine methods into our program to help you get rid of those last few pounds effectively! This treatment helps remove body toxins from your system and boost your metabolism to safely get rid of the extra few pounds. Contact us to know more and start your weight loss journey with the best slimming centre in town!

Getting rid of belly fat may seem like an overwhelming goal that is almost impossible. While it is true there are other factors to consider such as eating properly, it seems to many of us that even carefully picking the right food to eat and doing countless hours of workouts don’t seem to yield the desired results with the fat around the belly.

The gut part is one of the most threatening places to store fat in the body, so it is important that we focus on this area. Let’s take a look at this part of our body and the exercises we can do to condition it.

Knowing your body

The fat in your stomach can be divided into two types – subcutaneous fat (resides under the skin) and visceral fat (the invisible type that resides below the surface and around internal organs).

Besides contributing to the layers of the belly, visceral fat has been proven to increase the risk of serious medical problems such as cardiac disease, malignancy, and diabetes. Unfortunately, this type of fat can be one of the hardest types to get rid of. Even when you exercise and eat healthily, it can seem like a stubborn fat around the gut wants to hold on for the long haul.

Why is your workout routine not working?

If you tried to do some exercises or eating healthy to get rid of your belly fat, you have probably observed that losing weight doesn’t get rid of the fats completely. This is because you can’t target belly fat directly when you eat a diet meal, but losing a few pounds can help you reduce your waistline!

There are various factors contributing to why you are having trouble with fat loss in the stomach area, such as age, workout routine, stress, diet, and alcohol intake. The key to this issue is to combine effective sets of exercises with the right nutrition. Here are a few abdominal exercises to do the magic.

1. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climber can be a rigorous workout. This is a powerful exercise because it allows your core to work intensively to keep your body straight and stable while you move your legs.

2. Burpees

Burpees is a fast-paced exercise that consist of transitioning from a push-up stance to a jump in the air and then going back again. This move hits every muscle from head to toe and can help burn belly fat fast.

3. Medicine Ball Slams

Medicine Ball Slam requires the use of all the muscles between your neck and hips to work together. The strength and pace needed for this workout movement can increase your pulse rate and burn crucial tummy fat.

4. Kettlebell Swings

The kettlebell swing is one of the best calorie-burning moves ever because it requires you to use fat-burning muscle groups like your hips, back, and quadriceps. Moving the kettlebell back and forth elevates your pulse rate and targets your core.

5. Dumbbell Lunge

Lifting a heavy dumbbell and doing lunge requires all the muscles in your upper body to work together and keep the core tight and weight in place. This exercise uses your back and butt which could contribute to getting rid of stomach fat.


There are several simple exercises (although some do require additional equipment) you can try to burn belly fat and achieve the slim body that you have always dreamed of. Losing weight may be a difficult and challenging process, but it is not impossible.

With the right mindset and following the right habits, you can certainly lose those extra pounds, feel confident, and live a healthier life.

If you are looking for a safe and healthy weight loss alternative, you can try our TCM slimming method. We offer effective weight loss programs that follow traditional Chinese medicine methods to help you achieve your body goal quickly.

Starting a workout routine is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. Physical activity offers several benefits to your body such as reducing the risk of serious diseases, improving your balance and coordination, overall weight loss and increasing your self-esteem!

Regular exercise doesn’t just help you lose weight and stay fit but also protects your body from falling ill. However, this process is not as easy as it sounds: it requires a lot of determination, hard work, and discipline. If you’re considering starting your journey to a fit and healthier lifestyle, check out this step-by-step guide to creating an effective workout routine!

Step 1: Determine your fitness level

Assessing and recording your baseline fitness scores can help you come up with a better routine and how to measure your progress. To evaluate your cardio and muscular fitness, body composition and flexibility, try recording these certain factors:

  • Your pulse rate before and after walking a mile
  • Duration of how long it took you to walk a mile
  • Number of pushups you can do in one minute
  • Your waist circumference
  • Your body mass index (BMI)
  • Length of your forward reach while seated on the floor

Step 2: Plan your fitness program

It’s easy to say that you’ll exercise every day, but planning a program that you will stick to is more important as a beginner. As you design your plan, remember these points:

  • Think about your fitness goals – Decide why you want to follow a fitness goal – is it to lose weight or prepare for an event? Setting a goal can help you check your progress and stay on track.
  • Plan a balanced routine – Create a balanced routine to give your body time to rest. Alternate between moderate and intense workout sessions or split your workouts according to specific areas to focus on: for example, Abs + Legs or Chest + Shoulders.
  • Start slow and progress slowly – If you’re a total beginner to working out regularly, start slow and avoid pushing yourself too hard. You can work to enhance your routine when you begin to see little progress or when your weight starts to plateau.
  • Allow time for recovery – Some people start exercising by working out intensely for long periods and give up when their muscles start to feel sore. A healthy workout program includes time to rest and recover in between.
  • Write it down – Writing down your routines and goals is one of the best ways to encourage yourself to stay on track.

Step 3: Prepare the necessary equipment

You probably want to start with buying athletic shoes – make sure you choose the shoes that are designed for the specific activity you have in mind. The fun part about working out is that there are a plethora of exercises and tools to try – find one that provides the right balance of fun and intensity! Lastly, you might also want to consider using fitness applications for smartphone devices to track your progress and calories burned.

Step 4: Monitor your progress

Monitor your progress after six weeks to see how far you’ve come! It generally takes about 4-8 weeks to start seeing results, so don’t lose hope if you aren’t seeing significant changes yet!

As you check your progress, you may notice that you need to adjust the intensity and switch up your routine from time to time to continue improving. If you don’t find any progress or lose the motivation to continue, set new goals or try out new routines!


If you are struggling to come up with a fitness program or stick with it, you are not alone! A huge number of people find it challenging to create a diet program and workout routine, and the discipline to follow a schedule.

If you wish to reach your body goals but have yet to see any progress – try including TCM slimming into your routine! Here at Slim Couture, we utilise traditional Chinese medicine methods in our weight loss programs to perfectly complement your current workout routine and boost your natural metabolism to help you shed those extra pounds safely and effectively!

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