As you may know, losing weight is a hard task. But keeping the weight off can be even more difficult! Did you know that 80% of people who’ve lost weight actually gain it right back? How many of you have experienced the joy of losing weight, only to find the kilos piling back on barely months later? It seems like an endless vicious cycle that will never be broken.
It’s no small wonder that numerous studies show that dieters often end up gaining back the weight they lose, and frequently more. “We live in an environment that is filled with temptation,” says J. Graham Thomas, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center at Brown University. …If that weren’t enough, the body itself resists sustained weight loss. Thomas, who has spent his career researching the keys to long-term weight loss, tells me that an overweight body is like a pickup truck—it burns a lot of weight, but when you lose those pounds, “your body becomes a Prius—it’s more efficient, it burns fewer calories.” – Vogue: Why Keeping The Weight Off, Not Losing It, Is The Real Victory
Thankfully, when you lose weight healthily and holistically with Divine Slim treatments, it is SO much easier to maintain your brand new figure and weight, as compared to crash dieting or other unhealthy forms of weight loss! In fact, we’ve got so many rave reviews from our customers who have successfully lost weight with Slim Couture, and were amazed that they are keeping the weight off so easily! Here are just a few real-life testimonials from our happy customers! An Ting says:
I’ve been struggling with my weight after puberty period and tried all sorts of ways to lose weight – extreme diets, meal replacement plans, exercises, etc. For many years, I’ve lost and gained and lost and gained weight. Some regimes helped me lose weight but they’re not substainable. I’ll always gain back the weight I’ve lost once I stopped the regime. I’ve been with Slim Couture for almost 2 months now and I’ve lost close to 6kg and dropped one pants size. I had to travel during the treatment period (to Hongkong, imagine the amount of good food there!) and amazingly, I didn’t gain any weight after coming back despite not following the diet plan given. I have trust that Slim Couture will soon bring me to my ideal weight. Thank you, Slim Couture.
Sharon says:
Slim Couture has helped me lose almost 5kgs in 1 month through a healthy diet.. Very pleased with the excellent results and there’s no rebound in weight even after a year! Highly recommend to all!
Weiqi says:
When i first sign up at slim couture, i am skeptical about the effectiveness of the program as well as the honesty of the staff there. However, very quickly I realise that they aren’t like other slimming centres who lie, overpromise and sugar coat their words just to get you to sign up the packages. This program at Slim Couture is safe, although a bit uncomfortable, but definitely works. The staff at Slim Couture are very encouraging and that helped me stay with the diet regime. Some of them even share their own success stories with me and gave me tips for a faster weight loss. i’m always looking forward to my session esp to review the results. After 9 Sessions with slim couture, my results are visible: A total loss of 5kg and 18.6 Cm off my body gives me the added confidence. I continued losing inches and body fats despite all the year end parties, all thanks to Slim Couture (and all the cherry tomatoes i’ve consumed) I’ll definitely sign up for the maintenance program after i’ve reached my target!
Jing Ting says:
I chanced upon Slim Couture through Yina Goh. I wanted to lose weight for my wedding, so i decided to give it a shot. The first few times were painful, esp the guasha part. But it got more bearable, as the fats decreased. The diet and cherry tomatoes were abit crazy to follow also, but I soon got over it and got used to it. Overall, I was very pleased with my results. I lost 7 kg and it was great hearing from people how good i looked after i slimmed down. And I look the skinniest I’ve ever have been at my wedding, and I was very happy! It’s been 5 months since I stopped the treatments, and I’ve only gained 2kg despite the crazy way I ate. Thank you Slim Couture. You’re my go-to for solutions, if I ever get fat again.
We are really so glad that so many customers have had such wonderful experiences with Slim Couture, with such incredible and lasting weight loss results! You can be assured that when you lose weight with Slim Couture, the weight loss is long-lasting and will not rebound once you’ve achieved your ideal weight/ healthy fat percentage! Of course.. Keeping yourself slim and slender after your treatment has ended does require some effort of your own too! So here’s our top five tips for keeping the weight off after you’ve lost it!
Five Proven Tips To Keep The Weight Off!

Tip #1: Watch your diet, but allow yourself cheat days
After going through Slim Couture’s programme/diet and reaching your ideal weight and healthy fat percentage, you’ll probably realise that it is now way easier to maintain your new weight! In fact, with Divine Slim treatments, weight rebound is no longer an issue, and you won’t have to be on a life-long diet! You can have your regular meals as per usual, but of course, don’t over-indulge in sugars and carbs, and do eat more greens, fruits, and lean meat. Drinking lots of water is also very important to keep your body hydrated to deter weight gain! Of course, we all know it’s impossible to eat healthy ALL the time.. Whenever you feel that you’ve “sinned” (i.e. if you went on holiday and feasted non-stop for a week), just control your diet and eat clean for a few days and you’ll find your weight returning back to your healthy range!

Tip #2: Exercise and stay active!
Try to exercise regularly/at least 1-2 times a week.. Simple exercises like brisk walking, skipping or even hoola-hooping! But even if you don’t have the time to block out periods for exercising, you can keep yourself active by walking more, taking the stairs, not sitting down right after a huge meal etc.. These are all small but useful ways to help burn some calories! It also helps to increase muscle mass so that your metabolism stays high!

Tip #3: Step on your scales regularly
Don’t let the weight slowly creep on; weigh yourself once a week on the same day at the same time! (We suggest doing it in the mornings before breakfast) If you find yourself getting significantly heavier (1kg or more), it’s time to watch your diet, and probably a good idea to eat more cherry tomatoes again!

Tip #4: Remember why you never want to be fat again
Focus on why you like to be slim: Being able to fit into clothes better? Getting positive compliments from your friends and colleagues? Or just because you feel so much healthier and happier just being 10kg lighter? A great way to remind yourself that you never want to be fat again is to take your “Before” photo and put it somewhere you can see it daily (Preferably over your fridge, so you don’t reach for those unhealthy snacks in moments of temptation) This way, you’ll never lose sight (literally) of the hard work that went in to your great new body!

Tip #5: Sign up for monthly maintenance sessions at Slim Couture
Of course.. we highly recommend that you sign up for monthly maintenance sessions at Slim Couture to keep your weight in check, and to keep your body “fine-tuned” with our TCM therapy, so that your metabolism remains active! All it takes is one session a month to help you maintain your new weight/silhouette!
We hope all that has been helpful to you.. Weight loss is tough, but we are here to make it easier for you!
Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010. With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014. For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily! Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665