Eating is an activity we all look forward to each day. Sumptuous meals are ridiculously inviting but what about when you are trying to lose weight? Do you compromise eating delicious foods for a slimmer body or do you give in to temptation – promising yourself to start dieting the next day instead? Even if you sign up for Singapore’s best weight loss programs, your efforts will all be in vain if you continuously indulge in unhealthy food.

Worry not, as we have shortlisted top six foods that can help you lose weight aside from available weight loss treatments.


This is one of the most nutritious foods around. People going on diets should always opt to eat avocado or incorporate this fruit to their meals. Avocados have high amounts of potassium in addition to being tasty. It also holds the status of a superfood. Aside from potassium, avocados are also rich in vitamins such as folate, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B5, and vitamin B6. Avocados are also proven to be beneficial in avoiding heart diseases and fluid retention as they do not contain any cholesterol or sodium. One more thing that is notable in avocados is that they contain few calories so you can always enjoy a few without racking up the calorie count.

Chili Pepper

Chili peppers not only spice up your food but also your metabolic rate. Chili peppers contain the chemical capsaicin, responsible for speeding up metabolism, burning fat, and suppressing appetite. Because of the increase in metabolism, more calories are being used that encourages weight loss.


Salmon is very delicious, and not only that, this type of fish is loaded with rich nutrients too! Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA—these are essential fatty acids that you must include in your diet since your body cannot produce them. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are also good for the heart. Salmon is not only good for weight loss but it also provides good nutrients for skin cell renewal to improve your complexion.


Broccoli is one of the most preferred sources of fiber among people who go on a diet. Broccoli acts like a brush that cleans the stomach and intestines off excess oils and fats to avoid a buildup of debris along the linings of your organs. Broccoli is not only good for losing weight but it is also packed with lots of vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin B1, and vitamin E.


Whole eggs are the cornerstone of many a diet. It can supply you enough energy for the day but remember to eat them sparingly as too many eggs can adversely affect your body’s cholesterol levels. Eggs are nutrient-dense enough to sustain you for long periods of time and curb your cravings.


Water may be the most essential part of your diet, and drinking up to, and in excess of, 2 litres of water per day helps in regulating your body’s metabolic process. Drinking adequate amounts of water can make your body flush out toxins, regulate blood flow, and make your body organs healthier too!

There is a great deal of information online regarding weight loss program. However, the majority of which is either misleading or not scientifically backed. You can find out how to decide on the most effective slimming treatment plan for you by evaluating your needs and preferences. Here are the five greatest myths accessible on the internet about weight reduction.

Eat as often as possible to keep your metabolism high

Although not eating for prolonged durations of time does bring about a decrease in metabolic rate, this does happen after several hours of not eating but rather after a longer time period. Lamentably, the message of eating frequently has been mutated into eating at least once every hour. Ideally, we should space our meals out every 2 to 3 hours, meaning we will eat 3 or 4 times per day.

Exercise as a counterweight for bad nutrition

Odds are, you have defended eating some additional calories in light of having ‘gone to the gym today’. The issue with this compensatory reasoning is that for a large number of us, the exercise we do is just compensating for all the time we spend sitting around. Thus, in the event we have eaten more than we lose during exercise, we never get the required calorie deficit to reduce our weight. This is not an effective slimming treatment.

You have to eat a lot less to slim down

Undoubtedly, you have to consume less calories to lose weight, yet there will be times when you may need to eat more to ensure a sustained loss. So once you have dropped a couple of kilos utilizing a low-calorie approach and you begin to get hungrier, you will likewise need to eat more.

You have to hit the gym one hour every day

There is no premeasured amount of activity any one individual should do to shed pounds. The key thing for most of us to concentrate on is to move more once a day to compensate for the hours we spend taking a seat. High-powered workouts will increase your resting metabolic rate, improve wellbeing and encourage muscle growth.

Every week, you will drop a similar measure of weight

Fat loss is something that has plenty of confusion surrounding it. Continuous weight loss often prompts the body to recalculate and reset its metabolic rate to compensate for the reduced mass of your body. Constantly looking to drop large, regular amounts of weight weekly can lead you to lose more and more muscle mass due to declining levels of body fat.

You think that this is an effective slimming treatment? Remember that losing weight healthily is a long-term goal and your everyday efforts will help you achieve this over time. So put in some effort to not continuously check your weight every few days.

We regularly go over the healthy ways to get more fit. Everyone is always discussing about the best weight loss program. Let us take a look at some unhealthy ways to lose weight. You will be surprised to see the degree to which individuals go to accomplish their goals.

Attempting to Slim Down by Skipping Meals and Starving

When you go for a diet, it detoxifies and purges the body. In addition, a controlled fast typically goes on for a particular period after which we begin eating regular nutrition again. Starvation, then again, involves restricting nourishment for prolonged durations.

What actually occurs is that the human body is not allowed to receive the essential nutrients or calories to properly function. Weight is lost from every part of the body: muscle, fat, water, and bone. Starvation also forces the body to restrict its functions due to the lower energy sources available. You achieve more damage than good.

This often influences the body unfavorably and prompts the failure to think, exhaustion, dazedness, and frequent black outs. On the off chance that it carries on it can lead to hair loss, loss of muscle mass, dry skin, fragile nails, or different issues.

Weight Reduction Dieting without Thinking

Following an eating routine causes you to lose a couple of kilos, yet it returns right when you quit practicing this eating regimen. There is a large number of diets: the Hoodia diet, Atkins diet, and Zone diet which individuals begin without prior discussion or consideration.

Getting in shape by Using Drugs and Pills without Discussion

Another alternative route to weight loss is consuming unregulated nutrition pills that can cause unpredictable pulse and lack of hydration. Such medications may produce unwelcome side effects on our bodies. Likewise, as our cerebrum is influenced by these things, it could lead to a loss of attention and irritation also.

Slimming Down by Regurgitating Food

Purging indicates to eject the nourishment from the belly not long after in the wake of eating, manifesting itself physically by individuals regurgitating the food they ate. Often people who eat large quantities of food are susceptible to this method of weight loss.

Logical as it may seem, repeated exposure to stomach acid during regurgitation can harm the organs that it contacts: your teeth, stomach and throat. It can prompt health issues with the abdomen like ulcers and tears. Individuals who utilize this method of weight loss are gambling with heart failures, pancreatitis, sporadic heartbeats, and death from natural biochemical irregularities. Hence this is not an effective slimming treatment.

Harmful Weight Loss by Smoking

Smoking is incorporated as one of the quick and damaging methods for slimming down since it is a well-known approach to overcome hunger. Nicotine in cigarettes act as an appetite suppressant; by raising blood sugar blood fat levels, it tricks the body into thinking it has eaten more than it has. However, it is doubtful that the well-documented risks that come with smoking are worth that couple of kilograms.

With all the variants of tea leaves available worldwide, green tea is considered to be the healthiest. The reason is that this variant of tea leaves plays a role when a person wants to shed off some extra pounds. Many studies have been conducted regarding the efficacy of green tea for weight loss.

Green Tea has caffeine and other helpful substances

Various studies have been conducted before, stating that green tea contains flavonoids and caffeine that assist in increasing the body’s metabolic rate, fat oxidation, and enhances insulin activity.

Caffeine’s role in beverages is to stimulate the brain in order to prevent you from getting tired easily. Caffeine’s effect on the body is instant and you can actually feel the impact of this chemical immediately after taking a cup of green tea. Since caffeine stimulates the system, it also plays a role in kicking off increased metabolic rate, thereby allowing your body to burn more calories.

Consequently, other substances that can be found in green tea are powerful antioxidants such as catechins—a chemical that protects most organs in the body. Among the most powerful catechins that can be found in green tea is the EGCG—a chemical that plays a major role in increasing the cell’s metabolic rate.

Drinking green tea can help burn and mobilize fat

Green tea contains substances that aids in breaking down fat cells and lead these fat cells toward the bloodstream. These active chemicals and substances in green tea boost the effect of hormones that are responsible in burning fats. Due to these helpful substances and chemicals, more fat cells are being broken down and released in the blood stream. These debris of fat cells in the blood stream, instead of being stored, are now utilized as source of energy.

Green tea increases energy prior to working out

Drinking at least a cup of green tea an hour before working out can positively affect your performance. Since green tea contains caffeine that stimulates energy to be released by the body, you perform better thus increasing your body’s metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic rate means that your heart pumps more blood and that uses a great amount of calories. Thus, you burn more than what you take.

Green tea can help your body get rid of unwanted abdominal fats

One more notable thing with green tea is that it can help in getting rid of unwanted fats in your tummy. Do note that green tea may or may not work with everyone and also, there are various types of fat cells within the body. Green tea works by helping the visceral fats surrounding the stomach to melt and prevent deadly diseases from taking over your body.

There are many choices out there that you can turn to in order to achieve a slimmer body. Do not just go after drowning yourself with green tea because that will never be sufficient. You can consult and choose from the different weight loss programs in Singapore that fits your need and your condition. Try coupling a cup or two of green tea with a cardio and strengthening work-out routine. With time, you will be able to observe its effects on your body.

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