Have you always been chubby and fat since you were young?

Yina Goh at age 17, weighing 63-65kg

You might not believe it, but our svelte and beautiful Slim Couture Ambassador Yina Goh used to be teased for being fat all her life!

Yina says:

I put on weight rapidly during puberty and from Sec 1 to Sec 4 I actually put on weight from 50kg to 62kg!

That’s friggin’ 12kg omg.

I was called various names by people around me and was also compared to the celebrity Chen Li Ping cos people would joke that I looked like her (or rather her size….)

If you’ve been fat before, you’d understand what it feels like la. It’s really very hurting to be called names and laughed at for being fat.

One incident I shared in my blog post is about how when I was in Sec 2, me and a bunch of neighbors were all hanging out together, and one of the boys got teased for “liking” me

He immediately responded with, “Huh, why would I like Yina, she is so ugly and fat?”

Although Yina managed to successfully lose 10-12kg 8 years ago, the weight slowly came back over the years.


Yina and her husband Jerry  both put on weight after too much holidaying and feasting after their wedding was over.. At their heaviest, they were 58.8kg and 84kg respectively!

Yina was horrified to step on the weighing scale a few months ago to realise that she had put on 4kg since her wedding in January 2015, and was weighing more than 58kg! That was when she decided to start her 2-month programme with Slim Couture, with a target goal of losing 8kg to hit her ideal target weight of 50kg.

Yina says:

Having excess weight on you doesn’t just affect how you look. It was making me feel lousy about myself. In such an image-conscious industry, I was constantly surrounded by good-looking people who were slim and gorgeous and well-dressed, and I wanted to be like them too. I wish I could look as good as they did. I felt disgusted with myself for eating, and for being fat. And that, I think, was the most unhealthy thing, ever.

Yina and Jerry embarked on their 2-month programme on 17th April.

After just 16 sessions of Divine Slim TCM treatments with Slim Couture, both Yina and Jerry achieved incredible results!

Yina lost 8kg and Jerry lost 12kg!

No meal replacements, no diet pills, no crash diets, no exercise, but 100% through Slim Couture’s Divine Slim TCM programme and recommended food plan!


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Yina says:

In two months with Slim Couture, I successfully lost off all the weight I put on and even MORE, to achieve a weight I never ever thought I would see on the weighing scale again! Together with me, YZ lost over 10kg with Slim Couture’s treatments as well.

I finally achieved my weight-loss goal of 50KG!

For someone who’s been overweight since puberty, you cannot imagine what it feels like to finally hit a pre-puberty weight. The last time I was 50kg was when I was 13 years old, 15 years ago!! To see that number on the scale seemed like an impossible dream, but I did it with Slim Couture.

What helped me a lot were the regular weight-ins and measurements twice a week: Seeing real results happening every session with my weight and measurements going down progressively and steadily over the two months was a huge motivation to carry on working hard to achieve my target weight.

Without Slim Couture, I don’t think I’d be able to have that willpower and determination to keep up with the weight loss! Knowing that my progress was being tracked and having a goal to work towards as well as a game plan to follow gave me the resolve to stay committed towards my weight loss target.

Jerry says:

Yes I’m back fit and healthy again… Put on hell lots of weight after wedding, honeymoon period, Chinese New Year but I’m glad I’m even slimmer now compared to how I looked on my wedding day….

Thanks to ‪#‎divineslim‬ @slimcouturesg for showing me the right way to diet and after going through their slimming programme for 2 months exactly, I’m finally back to my fittest self! Pictures will never lie!

Thanks to Slim Couture for bringing me back once again and I am really thankful that I’m good looking again!

Congratulations to the good-looking couple on successfully achieving their weight loss goals with Slim Couture, and we are proud to be part of your success!

If you’re curious to read more on Yina and Jerry’s experiences with Divine Slim TCM slimming treatments, read Yina’s blog post and Dayre post by clicking on the respective links!

Slim Couture prides itself in providing 100% weight loss results through their TCM slimming treatments. Unlike many other slimming treatments, it is:



Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010.

With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014.

For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily!

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665


We are so excited to share that Slim Couture is featured on Simply Her, June 2015 issue!

If you read our previous post: “How I Got My Body Back After Giving Birth”, you would have known of the amazing results we have gotten with our customers who have come to us post-pregnancy, wishing to achieve their ideal weight!

Even our very own Slim Couture therapist, Yvonne, lost 21kg post-pregnancy through Slim Couture alone!

If you’re still struggling with weight loss (post-pregnancy or not), we assure you that weight loss is very possible and realistic thanks to Slim Couture’s TCM Slimming Methods, and our track record has proven it time and time again. Yes, you CAN lose weight!

Slim Couture prides itself in providing 100% weight loss results through their TCM slimming treatments. Unlike many other slimming treatments, it is:


Read more on Simply Her this month!


Also featured is Yina Goh, one of our Slim Couture ambassadors who has lost a significant amount of weight after going through Slim Couture treatments.. Read Yina’s blog post about her experience at Slim Couture, including “Before” and “After” photos!




Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010.

With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014.

For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily!

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

Why choose Slim Couture over other forms of machine-based slimming treatments and therapies?

If you’re a woman who’s been battling the dreaded fats all your life, I’m very sure that you might have once considered machine-based slimming treatments, or even been persuaded to sign expensive packages at slimming centres and spent thousands of dollars in the hope of being able to lose weight via “slimming machines”.

But if you’re looking for effective and permanent weight loss, here’s why you should choose Slim Couture over other machine-based slimming treatments!

Slim Couture TCM

1. Machine-Based Treatments Only Target Selective Areas

When doing machine-based treatments, you’ll realise that you have to spend thousands of dollars signing up for a package that is only be able to target that one area (perhaps your thighs, or your tummy) during your treatments. This may not be effective especially if you have a lot of weight from all over to lose!

That is.. If you even see any results in the first place. I have personally experienced so many different kinds of slimming therapies with high expectations, but ended up feeling disappointed when there were no visible results!

But with Slim Couture’s Divine Slim TCM slimming treatments, you will be able to drop inches from every part of your body, and see tremendous improvement in your silhouette at the same time. This is so much more effective than machine-based treatments for sure!

2. Your Weight/Measurements Will Rebound Easily With Machine-Based Treatments

Many machine-based treatments claim to zap the fats away, and also help in losing the inches. But even if you do lose that 1-2 inches, how sustainable will it be once you end your machine-based treatments, with no change to your diet or lifestyle?

What many people do not realise that having a high metabolism rate is vital in maintaining a healthy weight, but machine-based treatments will NOT be able to improve your metabolism! This is why we recommend Slim Couture: Our tried and tested TCM-based slimming treatments not only help you gain that svelte new silhouette you’ve always wanted, it actually improves your body’s constitution and metabolism for permanent weight loss to stay!

Of course, we also have our friendly therapists who will guide you in your new healthy-eating habits, and to teach you how to eat right to stay slim and slender!

3. Divine Slim is 100% Natural & Effective!

Instead of being hooked up to machines that have potential risks and dangers (such as post-treatment swelling, tenderness, numbness and more), why not choose Slim Couture? There are no side effects from Divine Slim’s holistic TCM-based slimming treatments, and we can promise you immediate results that are guaranteed! Trust us when we tell you from experience that machine-based treatments does not work on every person, but Divine Slim does!

What we can promise is you, 100% effective and safe weight loss! Now, you can drop a size in a month, GUARANTEED AND FUSS FREE!


Miss Tian, lost a total of 9.3kg and an overall centimetres loss of 36.4cm after going through ‪#‎scjourney‬!

“It took me awhile to decide to take on ‪#‎divineslim‬ programs with Slim Couture as I tried to source for cheaper alternatives to slim down. However, I realised that Slim Couture does not only makes us lose our fats and unwanted weight in a healthy way, it gives our body shape a beautiful silhouette as well! I have referred 7 of my friends to Slim Couture so far as all of them are so surprised by the amazing transformation that I have went through!” ~Miss Tian


Miss Chin, lost a total of 10.3kg an and overall centimeters loss of 53.4cm with ‪Divine Slim treatments!

“I’ve always been wearing loose clothes and dresses so that all my fats and bulging tummy can be camouflaged! Saying thank you is never enough to express my gratitude towards Slim Couture. I’ve transformed from an obese lady to a healthier and more confident lady now! Anyone out there who has weight issues- SLIM COUTURE IS YOUR SOLUTION!” ~Miss Chin

Slim Couture prides itself in providing 100% weight loss results through their TCM slimming treatments. Unlike many other slimming treatments, it is:



Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010.

With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014.

For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily!

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665


Hello to our dear customers. readers and friends!

We’re here to share the lucky winner of our Facebook give-away contest: Congratulations to Magdelene May, who has won for herself FOUR sessions of Divine Slim programme!

Some background information on Magdelene: Magdelene used to be much slimmer previously, but succumbed to the temptation of taking slimming pills due to peer pressure, and ballooned to twice her size after that! Although Magdelene lost some weight with the slimming pills, it came back double and even more, which made Magdelene very upset and depressed.

Through her friends who are already existing customers of Slim Couture, Magdelene learnt about us and here she is at Slim Couture now to begin her weight loss journey!

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Say NO To Slimming Pills!


Say NO To Slimming Pills!

If you’ve ever once thought of taking slimming pills/supplements, we strongly recommend you to think twice before doing so, because there are so many potential risks involved with taking slimming pills/supplements

Slimming pills can even lead to serious complications such as organ dysfunction or failure, if used inappropriately!

There’s no diet supplement or drug that’s safe and effective long term and even if you do lose weight by using a drug or supplement, research suggests that once you stop taking the product, you will gain back the weight and may be at greater risk of a heart attack or stroke.

“..research suggests that once you stop taking the slimming product, you will gain back the weight and may be at greater risk of a heart attack or stroke

Yes, it is that serious, and we have more than one customer who have actually experienced serious weight rebound after taking slimming pills, and even put on MORE weight than they initially lost with the slimming supplements.

Slimming supplements can also have serious side-effects, like an increase in blood pressure, higher risk of heart attacks, and even liver damage.

The dangers of diet pills far outweigh the benefit of any potential weight loss, and we urge you not to put your health on the line just for the sake of quick weight loss!


Magdelene’s BEFORE photos

Why Slim Couture?

Magdelene chose Slim Couture as her preferred method of weight loss instead of other similar slimming companies due to the following reasons:

Countless Real-life Testimonials from Friends & Customers

From all the testimonials and before/after photos of Slim Couture customers, you can be assured that Divine Slim treatments are 100% effective in REAL and sustainable weight loss that will not rebound!

Slim Couture takes a very personalised approach to slimming with friendly and approachable therapists that will follow closely on your progress and advise you whenever you need it, even through SMS and text messages! There is no hard-sell to buy unwanted packages, and no pressure from the therapists at Slim Couture.

As Magdelene personally knows many friends already undergoing Divine Slim programme, she is totally assured that it is effective and safe.

Safe and Holistic approach to Slimming

Due to the TCM approach that Slim Couture takes, it not just aids weight loss, it even helps in adjusting and improving your body constitution to make you a healthier and happier person in body and spirit! It is completely safe, with no fire or needle usage.

There is NO invasive slimming treatments, NO slimming pills and NO meal replacements!

Magdelene has heard of other slimming methods that involve fire treatments and sound dangerous: Those are risks that Magdelene does not wish to take, with the fear of getting burns or blisters from such treatments.

Medically-sound Background with Certified Physician

Slim Couture consults with Certified Physician Colin Chan Peng Chong (SRN CCRN), a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) internal medicine and acupuncture practitioner with 24 years of experience registered with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, Ministry of Health Singapore.

This gave Magdelene the confidence that Divine Slim treatment methods are safe and effective, with quality control that is supervised by a certified TCM Physician.

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On top of the four free sessions that Magdelene won, she’s signed up for an additional sixteen sessions! Magdelene is currently weighing at 79.8KG, and we are hoping to see tremendous results over the next few weeks time!

Watch this space as Magdelene May embarks on her Slimming Journey with Slim Couture, and stay tuned to see the results of this lovely lady! We’ll be sharing about her progress and results very soon!

Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010. With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014.

For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily!

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665 www.slim-couture.com

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