Struggling to maintain your desired weight? Tried following various weight loss programs that seem to not work despite how hard you work?

Weight loss fads and programs change from all the time, hopping from one scientific breakthrough to another.

However, you need not stick with these fleeting diets tips. Follow a few tried and tested weight loss strategies to guide your weight loss in singapore.

Below are fifteen weight loss tips that are proven to be effective and can help you shed off some extra pounds in no time.

1. Never ever skip meals
When you skip meals, chances are you binge the next time that you eat, resulting in eating more calories than normal. These excess calories are stored as fats instead of being burnt off as energy.

2. Change your lifestyle
Throw away your old eating habits and start eating healthy. Being consistent is the key to lose weight. You have to keep in mind that in order to maintain your desired weight, you have to stick to a healthy routine.

3. Drink more water
Hydrating yourself is key to increasing your metabolism and keeping your cells from dehydration. When your cells are dehydrated, you tend to consume more calories to compensate for your cells being nutrient-deprived. Drinking water pre-meals can also help you consume fewer calories and lose more weight.

4. Use smaller plates
Using smaller plates can give you the illusion of eating more. It makes your mind believe that you are already full due to the image of the empty plate.

5. Eat spicy foods
Chillipeppers contain the substance Capsaicin, which is an antioxidant. It is also known to speed up metabolism, flush out toxins, and reduce your appetite.

6. Eat slowly
Savour your food and chew on it slowly. When you eat quickly, you cannot properly break down all the food in your mouth and you tend to get full slowly. However, if you slow down, you will feel fuller and more satisfied after eating.

7. Get good quality sleep
The number of hours you sleep is nothing compared to how good your sleep is. When you get good quality sleep at night, your body feels more rested and functional. You also eat fewer calories when you sleep adequately.

8. Drop the sugar
Well, do not ditch sugar altogether. Instead, watch your sugar intake. What you need to ditch are the unhealthy sugary drinks like processed juices and sodas. These drinks contain simple sugars that easily break down into glucose inside the bloodstream. Excess of it turns into extra calories, which are stored for a long time as fat. If you want to eat something sweet, opt for healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit juices or whole fruits.

9. Walk
Walking kickstarts your metabolism and it is a good way to burn some calories. Instead of lying around and sitting down all day, why not get up and start walking?

10. Eat more protein
Proteins are not burnt as fast as carbohydrates, making them one of the most effective weight loss treatments in Singapore. Proteins provide you with enough calories to last you for a good number of hours, and they can make you feel satiated for a long time.

11. Do cardio
Also known as aerobic exercise, performing cardio is a great way to get moving and burn calories.

12. Count your calorie intake
Counting calories make you more conscious of the amount of food or calories you eat. Listing down the food you have eaten helps a lot in weight loss as you are already aware how you should limit or treat yourself.

13. Restrict your carbs
You do not necessarily have to drop carbohydrates from your diet, but restrict the amount that you eat. Of course, carbohydrates are still important to keep us energised and ensure our brain get enough nutrients it needs. However, excess carbs can turn into fats.

14. Green tea
A popular weight loss drink, green tea is known to combat bloating and increase metabolic rates. Aside from these, green tea is also rich in catechins, an antioxidant that is said to be responsible for burning fats.

15. Do not skip your breakfast
People who skip on the most important meal of the day tend to consume more calories by midday than people who take time to fuel themselves with nutritious food in the morning.

Having a quick fix to lose weight is an irresistible idea. However, it could be the beginning of a myriad of diet-related health problems and other issues caused by lack of energy. Normally, experts providing the best weight loss programs in singapore would recommend a healthy weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week, which is equivalent to 0.45-0.9kg. Any weight loss beyond this is likely to cause adverse health effects to your body and increase your chances of regaining your weight again after a short time. Today, we are going to list the key dangers of losing weight rapidly.

Loss of Muscles
It is impossible for your body to burn a huge amount of calories in a short period. Therefore, you will end up losing a lot of water and lean tissues (muscles) which make up the weight in your body. The loss of muscle would have detrimental effects on your metabolism, which is important in your weight loss journey.

Sagging Skin and Stretch Marks
Sagging skin is very common for anyone who loses a lot of weight within a short time since the skin does not shrink as fast as the body. Loose and sagging skin is irreversible, and the only way to get rid of it is through surgery. A steady loss of weight, on the other hand, allows your skin to shrink gradually while strength training exercises will promote the development of muscles under your skin.

Nutritional Deficiencies
Taking slimming pills and dieting will give you instant results, but they will leave you with a larger problem on your hands. Taking less than 1200 calories each day will automatically lead to nutritional deficiencies such as anaemia and osteoporosis due to lack of essential minerals and vitamins such as calcium and iron. Consequently, you are likely to experience a lot of fatigue and dizziness if you do not have enough folate and vitamin B12.

Loss of Water Weight
A rapid weight loss program tends to get rid of water and muscles in the body instead of fat. A significant amount of weight in the body consists of fluids that help the body function normally. Electrolytes carry electrical charges that enable muscles to contract and relax to keep the organs healthy. Therefore, you will be depriving your muscles of the fuel that they need to perform well. Additionally, your body will always fight back every time you try to rob it of whatever it needs to function properly, so you will end up regaining the water weight shortly after losing weight.

Cholesterol levels will always rise rapidly after losing weight too quickly. When the high cholesterol levels are too much for the gallbladder to empty, they combine with other bile salts to form gallstones. Formation of gallstones may lead to other acute health problems such as pancreatitis. They can also prevent the liver from functioning properly in case they end up blocking the bile duct. Nausea and stomach cramps are as well common for anyone with hardened cholesterol deposits in their gallbladder.

Reduced Metabolism
The body will always do whatever it can to protect itself from damage. Therefore, it will automatically slow down the metabolic rate if you do not consume enough calories (about 1200) each day. A slow metabolic rate means that you are burning fewer calories hence making it easier to accumulate more weight once your diet returns to normal.

Losing weight rapidly may seem like a good idea for anyone struggling with a few pounds, but it may end up doing more damage to your body. Therefore, you should consider going for a slow but steady weight loss program in Singapore if you want a long-lasting solution to your weight. Losing at least one pound a week is sure proof that you are making progress on your weight loss journey. Remember that the best slimming treatment is a long journey, which involves eating healthy meals and sticking to a long-term exercise plan.

Congratulations! You have just managed to meet your weight loss objective. However, this is not the end of the road since you had to work extra hard to maintain your newly acquired weight. Most people on a weight loss program always end up regaining it after a few months or a year, even if they went through the best weight loss programs in singapore. Therefore, it would be logical to say that losing weight is just the beginning of a continuous journey that might take a very long time to become permanent in your life.

Your brain is always wired to regain the fat cells after successfully losing several pounds. It does this by trying to trick you to eat more food and slowing down your body’s metabolism rate. As such, thousands of people regain their previous weight shortly after losing it. We have therefore come up with various strategies that you can always use to maintain your current weight.

Keep Your Exercise Routine
Most people are highly likely to stop their daily exercise almost immediately after attaining their most coveted weight. However, this will only lead to weight regain a few months after you have lost it. You can combine both aerobic and strength training exercises, which are essential for building healthy muscles, instead of relying on one exercise method. Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day will also help you burn extra calories and increase the body’s metabolism rate.

Find a Support System
You are less likely to relapse to your old eating habits if you have a partner to watch over you. A spouse, best friend or a family member can act as your support system since they will always have your best interests at heart. These people will hold you accountable in case you veer off from your weight loss program, and they will always encourage you to keep trying. Therefore, it is important that you have trusted people involved in your weight loss journey if you want to emerge successfully.

Watch your Diet
Unhealthy eating habits are the main reason why most people always regain their lost weight after many months of clean eating. Your diet should mainly comprise of whole grains, proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Caffeinated drinks, saturated fats, and alcohol of all types will only add a few calories that are hard to shed off later, so you should avoid daily intake as much as possible. Attaining your desirable weight doesn’t mean that you can eat everything that comes your way without checking your calorie intake. However, most weight watchers are highly likely to start taking higher amounts of carbs and sugary foods the moment they attain the weight they have been looking for as a way of rewarding themselves for a job well done. This will automatically lead to a weight gain after a few weeks.

Get On the Scale
You are highly likely to maintain your weight if you are checking your weight frequently. Checking your weight every week keeps you aware of any fluctuations that you may have in your attempts to maintain your current size. This allows you to adjust your exercise routine and your diet accordingly.

Find Your Normal Routine
There is a high chance that you ended up losing weight without finding the perfect routine. While this may have worked well during the weight loss, it might not be possible to maintain your new weight without following a particular trend. There will be times when you will be attending parties, and you do not want to stick to a glass of water, while everyone is taking champagne. Therefore, you need to lay down the exercise rules, plan your meals, and adopt a new way to cope with stress and other food cravings. Otherwise, you will end up regaining every pound that you tried hard to lose if you do not follow a particular plan.

Maintaining your new weight after losing is not as simple as it appears. You will have periods when you want to satisfy your sweet tooth, but you should not overdo it. Remember that every extra calorie in your body is converted to fat and glycogen, which are catalysts for weight gain. Therefore, you should try to watch your diet, exercise frequently and adopt a healthy lifestyle for you to retain that weight that you have struggled so much to achieve.

Old habits are difficult to let go, not even when you are trying to lose some few pounds. You will always try to use other alternative means on your quest to lose weight, but all this will be in vain if you are not willing to break some of your old habits. Some people fall prey to various habits knowingly or unknowingly until they can no longer live without them. But did you know that these methods could be hurting your efforts to lose weight? Some of this habits that you need to drop from your routine for you to lose weight include:

1. Skipping Breakfast
A vast majority of employees and working professionals tend to skip breakfast for a variety of reasons. Some people will wake up late leaving them with little time to get to work while others do not like to eat anything in the morning. Others will only drink a cup of coffee, but this is not sufficient for breakfast. A healthy breakfast comprises of a fruit or vegetable, protein, and carbohydrates rich in fibre. This gives a boost to your metabolism and reduces your chances of overeating during the day.

2. Poor Sleeping Patterns
Inadequate sleep disrupts the appetite hormone, leaving you hungry throughout the day. This puts you at very high risk of binging on sugary and high-fat food leading to the increased amount of calories in the body. Therefore, it is time that you sleep 7-8 hours every night if you are on a weight loss program.

3. Overreliance on Low-fat Foods
You will always find a low-calorie intake as one of the important weapons to losing some pounds. However, professionals providing Singapore’s best weight loss program will encourage you to take at least 1200 calories a day to prevent malnutrition and a disruption in the metabolic rate. Remember that a high metabolism leads to healthy weight loss, so you still need to take enough calories every day for energy.

4. Not Drinking Water
Most people will go for days without taking a single glass of water. Others will opt to use cold drinks such as sodas to quench their thirst instead of drinking water. However, cold beverages are only going to raise the number of calories in your body and make you heavier. Therefore, you should seriously consider taking at least eight glasses of water every day to boost your metabolism.

5. Rapid Eating
Eating fast is a common habit for the busy people, but it does more harm than good. The fact that your concentration is not on the food raises your probability of overeating. Similarly, the stomach takes approximately 20 minutes to register you are full. This means that you are likely to eat more than you should. Therefore, it is crucial that you give yourself time to chew well before you swallow.

Certain habits are harder to stop while others take a shorter time to get rid of. Some people will always use all the habits stated above and other popular ones like dieting unknowingly, only for them to realise later that they have been doing more harm than good. Some companies offering the best weight loss in singapore also give you help with particular habits.

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