Slim Couture will like to wish all our customers a Happy National Day!

In conjuction with SG50, we have launched a special promotion for all new customers.

For every session signed up, there will be a $50 discount.

*Example: For every 8 sesssions signed up, there is a huge savings of $50×8= $400!

To find out more, please contact us at 65368586/63368665

 We look forward to hearing from you!
Enjoy the long weekend ahead!


Did you know, that your diet is one of the most important components when it comes to weight loss?

This is why, when you sign up for your Divine Slim programme with Slim Couture, one of the very first things we do is to give you our “Slim Couture Bible”, a comprehensive list of what to eat and what NOT to eat during your weight loss regime with Slim Couture!

Combined with our twice-weekly TCM Gua Sha and Ba Guan sessions, rest-assured that you will see the kilos just melting off you!

It is very important for us to educate our customers on healthy eating, and the right kind of diet.

Today’s post is on the 7 worst foods for weight loss, and we highly encourage anyone looking to lose weight to drastically cut down on these foods that may have unknowingly been the culprit behind your weight gain!

The 5 Worst Foods For Weight Loss

1. Foods High In Carbohydrates: White Rice, White Bread, Noodles, Potatoes


Refined grains found in white rice, white bread, white pasta, and all-purpose flour lack fiber and key nutrients, but are high in calories! The worst thing is we often consume more than the recommended 1 serving of rice/noodles because we are so conditioned to having rice as part of our staple diet!

Another top offender when it comes to weight gain has got to be potatoes! They are worst especially when deep-fried and processed (think French Fries and Potato Chips), and a study showed that every additional serving of potatoes people added to their regular diet each day made them gain about a pound over four years.

Even mashed, baked or boiled potatoes are unexpectedly plumping, perhaps because of their effect on the hormone insulin.

Try cutting down on the rice/noodles/potatoes and instead, fill up on vegetables that will make you feel fuller with their high fibre content!

2. Liquid Calories

If you only monitor the calories in the foods that you eat, and not what you drink, don’t be surprised that you’re not losing weight. The truth is, unhealthy beverages are just as fattening as unhealthy foods. If you don’t pay any mind to your intake of liquid calories, you might find it impossible to manage your diet and meet your weight loss goals!

Drinks like diet soda, coffee with syrup and whipped cream, alcoholic beverages or even harmless-looking fruit smoothies can be extremely detrimental to weight loss due to the super high sugar/fat content!

Worst of all, your stomach doesn’t register liquid as “real” food, and thus all those liquids end up as extra calories that doesn’t count for anything to help satiate your hunger and fill your tummy.

“Fluid calories do not hold strong satiety properties, don’t suppress hunger and don’t elicit compensatory dietary responses,” said Richard Mattes, M.P.H, R.D.,a professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University. “When drinking fluid calories, people often end up eating more calories overall.”

3. Baked Goods, Sweets & Desserts


Many desserts are high in sugar, fat and calories. They are best served as an occasional treat, and not to be eaten as part of a generous three-course restaurant meal for every dinner!

Sugary dessert calories are “empty” calories—meaning they’re un-nutritious and not doing your health any favors even if they’re not hurting you. Save your calories for other sweet treats like fruits that are chock full of vitamins and nutrients instead!

All forms of baked goods like muffins, cupcakes (worse still with frosting!), bagels can also unwittingly be super high in calories that will do no favours for your waist line!

“These foods are bad on so many levels, because they are filled with high sugar content and preservatives for a longer shelf-life — they can literally sit there forever. Sugar increases inflammation in the skin, which on top of irritating acne and rosacea, can make you look puffy and bloated. Skip the wrapped stuff and grab fresh fruit for a sweet fix instead.”

4. Processed Food & Fast Food


One single fast food meal with an upsized order of fries and drink can cost you over a thousand calories, almost an entire day’s worth of intake!

Along with the calories, trans fat and sodium are the main culprits in processed food and fast food that will wreak havoc on your health and weight.

A study published in January 2004 in “The Lancet” showed that over a 15-year period, young adults who ate fast food more than twice a week gained an additional 10 pounds compared to those eating it less than once a week. One meal from a fast food restaurant typically contains the amount of calories you need for the entire day.

Over time, eating too much fast food and processed food leads to weight gain and chronic medical conditions.

5. Food High In Fats: Red Meat, Fatty Fish, Nuts, Avocados

Yes, we are aware that there are good fats and bad fats, but while on Divine Slim treatment, we recommend a low-fat diet for most effective weight loss, and to stay off all fatty foods, including red meats (pork and beef), fatty fish like salmon and codfish, as well as avocado, nuts and etc.

These foods may be nutritious and healthy, but also pack a punch with a shockingly high fat content.

It’s true there are health benefits to favoring preferred fats such as monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. However, the total amount of fat is important because it can be a red flag for foods high in potentially health-damaging fats: saturated fat and trans fat. Also, compared to carbohydrates and protein, each gram of fat has twice as many calories.

These are the top five worst foods for weight loss that we recommend you stay away while on Divine Slim’s TCM treatments.. Stay tuned to find out what kind of healthy and delicious food that you’ll be eating instead to aid in weight loss!


Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010. With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014.

For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily!

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

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Remember our lucky Facebook fan who won our Facebook give-away contest in May? We’re back to share her stunning progress with Slim Couture!


Magdelene’s BEFORE photos

Here’s a quick recap of Magdelene and her weight loss struggle:

Magdelene used to be much slimmer previously, but succumbed to the temptation of taking slimming pills due to peer pressure, and ballooned to twice her size after that! Although Magdelene lost some weight with the slimming pills, it came back double and even more, which made Magdelene very upset and depressed.

Through her friends who are already existing customers of Slim Couture, Magdelene learnt about us and here she is at Slim Couture now to begin her weight loss journey!

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On Magdelene’s first session: weighing at 79.6kg

After 8 sessions of Divine Slim

Total weight loss: 7.6kg

Fat loss: 4.4%

Total cm loss: 27.5cm

Magdelene says:

The initial of the treatment was quite depressing due to change of my diet as I have to eat really clean food. The consultants are encouraging and they never failed to encourage me in this journey. I used to have bad cramps and heavy flow during my menstruation and this treatment cured my cramps and my flow is normal now and I feel less bloated during the period of the month. This treatment has improved my health too I have not fall sick since then. Lately there is flu bug in the office and I was the only one who did not catch the virus. In the past I will be the first few to fall sick.

I can sleep very well at night without waking up in the night to pee. I feel lighter and happier now.

I look forward to achieve my idea weight with Slim Couture. A big thank to the Slim Couture team for helping me in achieving a slimmer and HEALTHY body without slimming supplements!


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Before/After Divine Slim sessions

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We are very proud of Magdelene’s amazing transformation in the short period of just 1 month! Even her health has benefited from our Divine Slim TCM treatments, and she is now a healthier and happier lady!

Are you feeling depressed and inferior over your inability to lose weight? Slim Couture is here to help you! We promise 100% guaranteed results and weight loss!

Unlike many other slimming treatments, it is:


Why Slim Couture?

Magdelene chose Slim Couture as her preferred method of weight loss instead of other similar slimming companies due to the following reasons:

Countless Real-life Testimonials from Friends & Customers

From all the testimonials and before/after photos of Slim Couture customers, you can be assured that Divine Slim treatments are 100% effective in REAL and sustainable weight loss that will not rebound!

Slim Couture takes a very personalised approach to slimming with friendly and approachable therapists that will follow closely on your progress and advise you whenever you need it, even through SMS and text messages! There is no hard-sell to buy unwanted packages, and no pressure from the therapists at Slim Couture.

As Magdelene personally knows many friends already undergoing Divine Slim programme, she is totally assured that it is effective and safe.

Safe and Holistic approach to Slimming

Due to the TCM approach that Slim Couture takes, it not just aids weight loss, it even helps in adjusting and improving your body constitution to make you a healthier and happier person in body and spirit! It is completely safe, with no fire or needle usage.

There is NO invasive slimming treatments, NO slimming pills and NO meal replacements!

Magdelene has heard of other slimming methods that involve fire treatments and sound dangerous: Those are risks that Magdelene does not wish to take, with the fear of getting burns or blisters from such treatments.

Medically-sound Background with Certified Physician

Slim Couture consults with Certified Physician Colin Chan Peng Chong (SRN CCRN), a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) internal medicine and acupuncture practitioner with 24 years of experience registered with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, Ministry of Health Singapore.

This gave Magdelene the confidence that Divine Slim treatment methods are safe and effective, with quality control that is supervised by a certified TCM Physician.


Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010. With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014.

For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily!

Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

Remember our previous post on our two inspirational clients, Aeden and Cassandra on The Slim Couture Journey Part 1/2?

It has been quite a few months since Aeden and Cassandra embarked on their SC journey, and we are very excited to share the jaw-dropping transformations they have gone through!

Their real-life results will amaze you for sure! In just a short three months, both Aeden and Cassandra have successfully managed to shed off their excess pounds and fats, now looking healthier and better than ever!

This video is the best testimony and proof: Watch Slim Couture’s Journey of Aeden and Cassandra and see their incredible before/after photos and videos in the video below!


Aeden Kang, 29 

(83kg, Fat% 27.3%) Self-Employed Personnel, Singer

Aeden felt and looked unhealthy and lethargic due to his size, but his aim is to achieve a six-pack! As he needs to work long hours everyday, he has realised that his healthy is taking a blow and he feels tired and lethargic often. Aidan joined Project Superstar in 2014 and came in third place! Due to his job as a performer, Aeden wishes to lose weight to bring out the best in himself and look his best!

Aeden says: I have always had a weight issue, from primary school I already looked like I would be in the risk category for high blood or diabetes. I was selected for TAF club during my primary school days and have spent my whole teen years using diets that helped me lose a few kilograms but always gained the weight back twofold. I had a very big appetite and I think my portions could have fed two people! The worst thing was I also couldn’t take water plainly as I really hate the taste of plain water. Any liquid that goes into me would have to be decorated with heaps of sugar before I would even consider putting it into my mouth.

Eventually I had put on so much weight that I decided I had to do something about it. I was done feeling sorry because the truth is you are what you eat and it’s time I did something about it. I made a promise to myself if been slimmer is going to make me a happier person I am going to lose weight and I will succeed no matter what. I spent most of my time reading success stories as it kept me motivated and on track, I also visualised a newer and better me. I made several attempts, to lose weight; quick fixes, tried starving, gyming, machines, pills and everything else that promises results. The more failed attempts to lose weight I encountered the more I would would lose hope in myself.

Eventually I gave up and said it’s time to accept that I will never be slim, as result I found myself back to binge eating just fill that gap of inner rejection, I just didn’t care anymore until I joined Mediacorp competition , I was disgusted and thought to myself how did I let this happen to my body. I became motivated yet again as I started on the long road of exercising and dieting again. I did shed a few kilograms off but did not have very significant results.

This is when I came into contact with SLIM COUTURE. I joined them in January 2015 to embark on my journey of weight loss, it’s been the best decision of my life. They provided me with a foundation to lose weight, the staff are so accommodating and provide an excellent support system. It’s not easy, but if you commit to the well balanced diet plan, drink your water and get your sessions promptly, weight loss is actually GUARANTEED. The diet advice is easy to fit into a busy lifestyle like mine and all of the staff are there to answer any questions I might have. My confidence has rocketed and I am so much happier; emotionally and physically, thanks to them!

I have shed 10kg after just 3 months of treatment with them and the best part is I have started eating normally and have not seen any rebound in weight! I encourage everyone who has weight struggles to read my testimonial and know that there is a real life long solution and that SLIM COUTURE will partner with you every step of the way. I am still amazed at the impact they had on not just my weight but also my confidence and general well-being.

Thank you to SLIM COUTURE for changing my life in more ways than I could ever have imagined possible.

– Aedan

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134754_477856746602_4846914_oCassandra Wee, 33

(64kg, Fat% 28.9%) Business Development Manager, Miss Singapore Chinatown 2003

Cassandra used to be very slim in her younger days, but due to her love for food and her work that requires frequent entertainment, she’s put on the pounds and has found it difficult to lose the weight. Cassandra wants to lose weight to feel good and look good, so that she can go further in her career and maximise her potential to become a top-tier career woman!

Cassandra says: Dear Slim Couture, Thank you for the EXCEPTIONAL slimming experience! I managed to reach my target weight through this program!

Well, I’m not exactly fat to start with, standing at 1.77m and weighed around 64-65kg (at my heaviest). But as most ladies, I will love to be slimmer if I can. Thus the decision to embark on my Slim Couture journey. Everyone knows that a balanced diet is the key to weight loss/maintenance, in THEORY. However, how many of us will keep to that?

I’m glad to share that the diet plan at Slim Couture is NOT THAT HARD to keep to, and that is bearing in mind that I have lots of business lunches/events to attend at work. I can even eat at Hai Di Lao (hot pot), my favourite dining place! This is a slimming journey that I DO NOT have to deprive myself of my favourite food too much.

The diet plan focuses on healthy eating habits, which is beneficial even if I am no longer trying to lose weight. The TCM slimming sessions at Slim Couture are not exactly painless (“gua sha” and “ba guan”) but the pain is bearable. I can even nap during my sessions! And the darling angels at Slim Couture are full of friendly advice, they are more like friends! At sessions where I turned up feeling fat (when I did not lose as much weight and fat as I expected), the angels will be there encouraging me on. I will still be keeping to the diet plan (mostly) even though I have completed my treatments.

Thank you Slim Couture!

– Cassandra

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Slim Couture prides itself in providing 100% weight loss results through their TCM slimming treatments. Unlike many other slimming treatments, it is:



Slim Couture is a home-grown Singapore company focused on helping women lose weight safely. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Slim Couture prides itself in providing successful weight loss solutions to female clients with weight issues since 2010. With its client-oriented approach and quality services, Slim Couture has been awarded the Singapore Quality Brands 2013/2014 and the Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014. For a free consultation and body/weight analysis or to find out how TCM can help you slim down quickly and healthily! Call: 6536 8586/ 6336 8665

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