6 Tips to Measure and Control Portion Sizes for Weight Loss
Controlling portion sizes is one of the intuitive ways to maintain or lose weight. It is universally acknowledged that controlling your calorie intake and having small meals will result in weight loss. Still, this is often easier said than done. Research has shown that we cannot always rely on our own judgement to limit our meals. When people eat the occasional big meal, they might not see any immediate difference, making it easy to understate the effects and continue to overeat.
The misconceptions
When people hear the oft-discussed “portion size”, they usually imagine a physical amount of food. However, portion size actually refers more to the caloric intake of the food consumed as opposed to the physical quantity. This is why eating a big bowl of a vegetable salad may still be more portion-accurate than that unassuming slice of pizza.
Asking the right questions
To start your journey on eating mindfully, ask yourself these questions: what, when, where, why, and how much you eat.
We should also extend that to who— who is eating? The ideal calorie intake varies with factors such as age, height, body size, gender, genetics, hormonal imbalances, level of physical activity and more.
Based on the average Singaporean’s weight and physical activity, the recommended daily intake is 2200 calories for males and 1800 calories for females. With that wrapped up, we can now share with you these simple tips on how to cut back and control on your portion sizes.
1. Use smaller plates
The size of your dinnerware influences how much food you heap on it. Swap your plate and bowls with smaller alternatives to control yourself. Use your plate to portion a well-balanced meal: vegetables and salads should occupy half the plate, and high-quality protein and complex carbs should each take up the remaining quarters. Ideally, high-fat food and added sugar should not exceed a tablespoon each.
2. Measure accurately
It would also help to make the most of your measuring cups, tablespoons, and other meal prep containers to get accurate and reliable amounts of the foods you are consuming.
3. Don’t eat straight from the container
Dish out your servings separately in small bowls and plates. Refrain from eating directly from jumbo-sized packages or family meal-servings. This will only encourage overeating and second helpings.
4. Keep a food journal
Over time, you will be able to approximate food portions on your own. But tracking your meals is a great way to start out. The goal is not to obsess over every single calorie, but rather to monitor your goals and increase awareness of what and how much you are eating.
5. Don’t skip meals
Always eat your meals at regular times. When you delay or skip meals, you may overeat at some point during the day.
6. Practice mindful eating
This is where the 5 W’s and 1H questions come in. Do not just snack mindlessly. Instead, question yourself on why you are eating and whether you are really hungry.
Try not to help yourself to second servings rashly. Try to employ the 20-minute rule — it may take a while for you to feel full after a meal, so try and wait for 20 minutes before you reach for second helpings.
Lastly, take it slow. Eating quickly increases the likelihood of overeating. Take smaller bites and slowly savour every mouthful. Not only would this help with eliminating the possibilities of overeating, but you are also more likely to enjoy your meal more!
The bottom line
Portion control is not a type of diet but a lifestyle. It must be observed steadfastly to promise results. While eating mindfully does indeed improve your quality of life, the bottom line is that it maintains rather than actively reduces body fat after a certain point. For a more comprehensive weight loss journey, you would have to partake in more active measures, such as TCM slimming.
Slim Couture is the best slimming centre to help you in your weight loss journey. We dedicate ourselves to following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and providing successful slimming solutions and weight loss programs for you to live your best life starting today.
Contact us to learn more about TCM weight loss in Singapore today.